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 > Malcom Roberts ( 4 the Next PM of Australia ? )
 . . . but “Good ‘on U” Julia !
& U Don’t HAVE TO agree with everything THEY Say ! . . . either !

(Chris) Monckton Video23   even tho’ he’s an “hereditory” Lord > Viscount (UK)
> a very good apparent “no bull” communicator and enthusiast > and actually an exception to The Monarchy > King Charles and late Duke of Edinburgh
( re Greenpeace ? a World Wide Environmentalist Fund founder
& arguably a classic “Malthusian” ! > a “believer” in eugenics ?

the “antithesis” being the current Gender “bender” Theory
> and general “woke” acceptance !

Rebuttal of Monckton > False Claims > an accused “liar” in fact ?
Bing Video
christopher monckton website ? - Search Videos (bing.com)
before HE is eventually perhaps “CANCELLED” by “THE ESTABLISHMENT”
 & / or The Internet World Power TikToK, Twitter, “In-Your- FaceBook “
 “mob” > Google etc

. . . and these references > simply disappear . . as interest wanes !

  • | Global Warming is a Hoax
  • | addresses a Greenpeace-campaigner on global warming
  • | The Economics Behind Windmills
  • | Net Zero Emissions €” The Costliest Error of Physics and of Economics in History
  • a Climate change “sceptic” in Australia [SD] ABC RN Breakfast

beleivable ???  & he hasn’t been “sued” BY ANYONE !
. . . So I give him much credibility

even for his ALTERNATIVE interpretation of the Facts behind various aspects
of Climate Change . . . a largely cyclic “Natural”event extremely complicated
as IT IS !
“Anthropogenic” ? obviously has some impact but most a probably minor contributor but Only accepting in fact whether CO2 is the main cause !

> YOUR Cost Benefit Analysis IS REQUIRED ! . . . and WELCOMED

Lord Moncktons Website(???) & U-tube Video23 Lord Christopher Monckton | Global Warming is a Hoax ( youtube.com )
But watch Monckton his other Videos > All interesting ! > very convincing stuff
for the non existent non 97% consensus > a different perspective !

personally . . . > IS IT All really Worth the 100s of Trillions of $
and speculation, NOT even counting “uncosted” indirect cost
to humanity commercially, loss of effective man-hours work and aspects of the in-effect > a causative “starvation > genocide”
all > maybe preferable to an induced WW3 ?”

An answer to “Over-population of the Earth” itself  !
. . . hyperbole !

Global Warming increase over recent 100-200 years Has been a direct consequence of exponential population Growth and Industrialisation benefits  from ~1 billion (1803) to the Now ~8 billion (2021)

But expected to “taper-off as birth control and standards of living and increase age-of-life increases generally“and IS actually happening 
> A FACT ! see Pop Growth pic 1, 200year;,Millenia pic 2

END of Argument > and “uncontestable” in ANY context ! >

* * * THE ANSWER ? ? ? . . . more humane spread
of World-wide WEALTH  !

thru‘improved Infrastructure > Resources > Nuclear Energy
> The Only Realistic Energy Source !>&  long term !

Not acknowledged or appreciated by anyone elsewhere
>“farting“cows now being added to Our CO2 and Methane

ALL negating the obvious/proven “greening “beneficiary
effects on Life on Earth
Below 180ppM CO2 ALL Life on Earth would be NON-Existant

Short of “natural” cycles > meteorite strikes & Catastrophic earthquake > volcanoes . . . Earths “geologic” Climate
has been amazingly resilient over millenia and defiant of any
“King Canute” - type hyperbole

and irrespective of the supposed “consensus” of “THE experts”

Correctly-applied and ethically High Technology has so far
( appropriately funded )  “has provided the suitable and
The necessary answers so far . . . towards “human evolution ! “

 . . . despite obvious hypocrisy “incidents” over history like
“ The Theory of Religion” . . . now being thoroughly “trashed” !
. . . & over the centuries by the “powers that be ! and absurd “extremist”
of ALL faiths” !

Coal > Steam > INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION >  Gas > Nuclear Energy !
the saviour of human civilisation !

( NOT A-Bomb aspects of a “MAD MAD World”
> AND “Mutual Assured Destruction” )

I prefer the more balanced more laudable scientific data based approach . . .
stuff of
Bjorn Lomberg and Roy Spencer
Monckroft vs Mann mere alternative “perspectives”
 . . . “notoriety”, “egos” Not withstanding !
                              the “ root cause “money > greed & power !”

You try & decide ! . . .The “obfuscation” ALL “designed” perhaps  to
” dumb YOU Down” into submission ! . . .
“experts” > The consensus” & Govts can’t be wrong . . . Can They ?
“Take Australia Labour GOVT heading for complete “exile” > credibility > NIL > Zero ! . . . once voters wake up thru’ their “back pocket”

Then U can even compare it to THE Michael Mann “Hockey Stick” Controversy and the grossly distorted exaggerations of Al Gore, Tim Flannery and hyperbolea of The IPCC Editors  themselves of their own massive factual R&D researchers  . . . the sheer mass of data set to simply confuse the interpretation . . . of Anyone !

more from Blomborg . . . also his MOST “controversial” !> Video23 soon !

Alex Epstein > refreshing “perspective” from the NON-Consensus” !
“The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels” Video23 ~ 2021 2:20hr > brilliant !
. .
. puts the “rabble” > “97% consensus” . . . to absolute “shame” !

interview by Malcolm Roberts . . . “Bravo U guys !
. . . for your “guts”against the “ODDS !
NOT Only just GW/CCs”but associated “traumas.” > pseudo politics for what the likes of Biden > Albanese etc are really worth ? !

Video23 5mins 2023 prelude “Fossil Fuels: The Big Picture
& Keep Using Fossil Fuels” !

Stop Wasting Trillions $$$s” & indirectly
> the potential “genocide of “masses”! !

Should the world stop using fossil fuels€” oil, coal, and natural gas?
Or should we embrace them as an essential part of modern life?
Alex Epstein explores these questions”
Industrial Revolution continues > until The Nuclear Energy Revolution finally get due recognition by “the pundits” and > continues
what should be a more fruitful “Mankinds“ “evolution”
destined to come ‘sooner or later” > ultimately & inevitable ! anyway !

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