Instrumentation Valves014 - page 51

Valco InstrumentsCo. Inc. Sales:
Fax: 713–688–8106
Whencomponentsof interest are low
boiling, thisplumbing schemeallows“heavy”
componentswith long retention times to
bebackflushed towaste. After the sample
loop is loaded inPositionA, thevalve is
switched toPositionB to inject the sample
intocolumn1. As soonasall components
of interesthaveenteredcolumn2, thevalve
is switchedback toPositionA. Column1
isbackflushed toventduring theanalysis,
reducing the total analysis time.
more information
Moreapplications . . . . . . pages120-121
MicrovolumeSample Injection
The internal sample (fixedvolume) flowpath
isusedwhenvery small samplevolumesare
required. The sample size isdeterminedbya
passageengravedon thevalvecap,allowing
precise, repeatable injections. InPositionA,
the sampleflows through the sample
passagewhile thecarrierflows through
to thecolumn. InPositionB, the sample
passage is in linewith thecolumnand the
carrier injects thecontentsof the sample
passage into thecolumn.
10port sample injector
Sample Injection
With thevalve inPositionA,sampleflows
through theexternal loopwhile thecarrier
flowsdirectly through to thecolumn.
When thevalve is switched toPositionB,
the samplecontained in the sample loop
andvalveflowpassage is injected into the
more information
Moreapplications . . . . . . pages118-119
6port sample injector
4port sample injector
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: 039762 2034
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