SRITN12 - page 474

1. Toadjust the display limits of a chromatogram
click on either the
magnifyingglass icon or
magnifyingglass icon to the left of the
chromatogram. Thiswill increase or decrease
the limits by a factor of two each time you
click on the icons.
2. After opening chromatogram 602.CHR, prac-
ticemaking thedisplay limits smaller but the
peaks larger by clicking the
glass icon.
3. Practicemaking the display limits larger but
thepeaks smaller by clickingon the
ingglass icon.
1. To zoom inona specific part of aPeakSimple
chromatogram, click and hold the leftmouse
buttonanddrag it over thedesiredarea.
2. After opening chromatogram 602.CHRhold
the leftmouse buttonand drag it over the
baseof the toluenepeak. Let go of themouse
buttonand therewill be a larger viewof the
area that was selected.
3. To return to theoriginal display limits of the
chromatogramand unzoom the area selected
or select theunzoom icon located in
thePeakSimple toolbar at the top of the
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