SRITN12 - page 360

Down Menu
The EDIT pull-down menu al–
lows you to modify most of the operat–
ing parameters for your specific appli–
will bring up a screen which will enable
you to select which of the four chan–
nels are active, displayed and
grated. Each channels' operating pa–
rameters such as Details, Tempera.
ture, Events, Integration, Compo–
nents and Postrun informationcan be
easily modified,
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Clicking on the Details box for
Channel 1will bring up a screenwhere
you can enter a Description of your
analysis. End Time displays the length
of the chromatographic run in minutes.
By default, the End Time is deter–
mined by the length of the temperature
program but you may modify this field
to end the chromatographic run at any
The Sample Rate should be set to a rate sufficient toensure that 20 data samples
are collected for each peak. For example: A Sample Rate of 1Hzwill allow the collec–
tion of 20 data points from a peak 20 secondswide frombase to base. And a Sample
Rate of 10 Hzwill allow the collection of 20 data points froma peak 2 secondswide
frombase to base. The analog to digital converter is limited in its ability to sample
high rates when many channels are active. The limits are: 50 Hzwith one channel ac–
tive, 10Hzwith two channels active and 5Hzwith three or four channels active.
The Default Display Limits can be adjusted to viewdata above and below the 0
mVbasel ine. Aminus (-) setting for minimumwill display negative going peaks. The
ratio of min.lmax. display limits ismaintained when you click on the Displayminus and
plusbuttons inthemaindataacquisition screen.
The Remote Start feature allows the user to start a chromatographic run using an
external signal such as a footswitch. Check the box to enable Remote Start. (There
must be an internal connection made to the AID board inorder for this option towork.)
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