SRITN12 - page 362

Screen (continued)
Trigger Group
The Trigger Group selection
assigns the channel to the Main or Att
trigger group.
The picture at right
shows the Channel 1 Details screen
with the Main TriggerGroup selected.
Any Channel with the Main trigger group selected will start running when the
SPACEBAR is pressed and end when the END key is pressed. Any Channel with the
Alt trigger group selected will start running when the + (plus) key is pressed and end
when the - (minus) key is pressed. When acquiring four detector signal inputs from
one gas chromatograph; verify that all four channels' Trigger Group is set to Main.
This ensures that all four channels are acquiring data synchronously by using the
same timebase. If two channels of data are coming.from an SR'I gas chromatograph,
and you also wish to acquire two channels from an external input device such as an
HPLC, then select the Alt trigger group for channels 3 and 4. This allows for asynchro–
nous data collection.
Subtract Baseline In Channel "X"
Checking Channel1's box for Subtract Baseline In Channel "X",where "X" is
1,2,3 or 4,will cause the chromatogram inChannel 1 to subtract the baseline stored in
Channel "X", while running in real-time. Load the baseline to be subtracted into an
inactive channel to ensure that the data is not deleted by the start of a new run on that
channel. (Uncheck the active box, see Edit-Channels). Baseline subtraction can
also be performed using PeakSimple's Edit-Subtract/Add Channels feature, how–
ever, this is not a real-time function, but a post-run function, done at the end of the
chromatographic run.
Overlay Data In Channel "X"
Checking Channel1's box for Overlay Data In Channel "X",where "X" is 1,2,3
or 4, will overlay the data stored on Channel "X" onto Channel 1 using contrasting
colors. The channel selected for overlay can be either an active or inactive channel.
When the overlay channel is active then the overlay will be seen in real-time.
Relative Retention Shifts Are Based At "X" Minutes
Relative Retention Shifts Are Based At "X" Minutes. Enter into this box the
time, in minutes, that the sample is actually injected onto the column. This is done to
ensure that relative retention times are correctly calculated. See the EDIT-CHANNEL–
COMPONENTS section of this manual for more details.
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