SRITN12 - page 351

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You can also edit the chroma–
togram print param..te'$ when you aC–
cess the FILE-PRINT pull-down menu.
Check the Print Chromatogram box
and select Format.
The Chroma–
togram fonnat screen allows editing of
the chromatogramStart time and Stop
time and theMin and Max millivolt lev–
TheChart speed setting will de–
termine the size of the chromatogram
section of your printout. A setting 01
1.0 inches/minute for a 5minutechro–
produce a 5 inch chro–
matogram print. You may need to ex–
periment with this setting to fit your
header, chromatogram and report
information all on one printed page.
When the Use screen limits box is
checkedonly the dispiayed section of a
chromatogram will
Draw retention windows box allows
for retention windows to be printed as
The Labels section of the
screen leis you select what useful in–
formation will be printed along the bor–
ders of the chromatogram, and above
the peaks Clicking on l eft margin,
for example, will bring up the Edit for–
mat screen which will allow you to se–
lect from a list of measurements which
will automatically be calculated and
printed in the left margin of your chro–
matogram. To choose RSD, for exam–
ple. click on RSD from the left column
and then click on the right arrows
RSD will now appear in the selected
column on the right. Click OK to close
thewmdow. Edit On peaks and Right
margin in the same manner
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