SRITN12 - page 318

7. Install the new oven motor in place with the four brass stand-offs and stainless steel washers.
Tighten the screws tocenter the fan shaft perpendicular to theoven floor, so that the fancan spin freely.
Trim the new fan motor power wires, and connect them to the existing black power wires with the
provided crimp connectors.
9. Replace theGCbottomcover and rock theGCbackonto itsbase. Secure thebottomcoverwith the
six screws.
Replacing theColumnFanOvenMotor
8. Replace the aluminum plate and plug in the fan.
11. Fill the four holesyoudrilled in theoven floorwith insulation (youcanharvest some fromanother
part of the oven; it doesn’t takemuch).
10. Lubricate thenew fan impeller and setscrewwithanti-seizecompound. Attach thenew impeller to
themotor shaft protruding through theoven floor. When the setcrew is tightened, it locks intoadimple
on the fanmotor shaft. Replace the screen, reshaping it if necessary.
5. Youmust access theGC interior to remove the old oven
motor and replace it with the new one. Unscrew the six
phillip’sheadscrews that secure thebottompanel to theGC.
Rock the GC onto it’s back and pull the bottom cover off
toward you, as shown. The oven motor is behind an
aluminum plate near the center of theGC chassis interior.
6. Unplug the fan, and
unscrew the four screws to
remove thealuminumshieldso
you can pull out the old fan
motor (leave the black rubber
grommets in the GC chassis).
Cut the two black wires that
provide power to the motor
toconnect thenewmotor to the
black powerwires).
Unplug the
fan here
Unscrew the
four phillips
head screws
to remove the
a l umi num
Fanmotor shaft
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