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State of Iowa
Analytical ReferenceMaterials
CustomStandards Group Leader
814-353-1300, ext. 2148
Ken Herwehe
Analytical ReferenceMaterials
Product MarketingManager
814-353-1300, ext. 2127
The State of Iowa pools theUST parameters into one group for the purpose of certification.
IowaAdministrativeCode 567-135.16(455B) requires use of the followingmethodologies:
MethodOA-1,Method for Determination ofVolatile PetroleumHydrocarbons (Gasoline)
revision 7/27/93 andMethodOA-2Method for Determination of Extractable Petroleum
Products (AndRelatedLowVolatilityOrganicCompounds) revision 7/27/93; EPAmethods
525.2, 550, 550.1 for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in drinkingwater; EPA
methods 525.2, 550, 550.1, 610, 8100, 8270, 8310 for PAHs inwater; EPAmethods 8100,
8270, 8310 for PAHs in soil; andNIOSH 1501 for BTEX in soil gas.
MethodOA-1 is amodification of EPAMethod 8015 and is used to determine concentrations
of volatile petroleum hydrocarbons and other individual components, including benzene,
toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes, inwater and soil/solids. Samples are analyzed using
purge-and-trap sample concentration. Detection is achieved byGC/FID alone, by FID/PID in
series, or bymass spectrometer (GC/MS). Identification and quantification are based on
detector response to an external standard of commercial product.
MethodOA-2 is amodification of EPAMethod 8100, for determining diesel fuel, fuel oil,
motor oil, kerosene, mineral spirits, or hydraulic fluid in a liquid or solidmatrix.
Laboratories useMethodOA-2 to provide surrogate analysis of the PAHs based on default
concentrations of the PAHs in certain petroleum-derivedmaterials. Thismethod covers the
determination of low volatility petroleum products and organic compounds that are soluble in
moderate to low polarity organic solvents.A capillaryGC/FIDmethod is used to quantify the
compounds ormixtures of interest. GC/MS alsomay be used. Identification and quantifica-
tion of various petroleum products is performed by comparing the chromatograms of samples
and commercial products, preferably using computer data system overlay.
Contact Information
IowaDepartment of Natural Resources
Wallace StateOfficeBuilding
900East Grand
DesMoines, IA 50319
Phone: (515) 281-8135
Fax: (515) 281-7212
The IowaDepartment of Natural Resources,
Environmental ProtectionDivision, maintains
aUST/LUSTwebsite at:
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