fastfacts07 - page 115

State of Alaska
Analytical ReferenceMaterials
CustomStandards Group Leader
814-353-1300, ext. 2148
Ken Herwehe
Analytical ReferenceMaterials
Product MarketingManager
814-353-1300, ext. 2127
AlaskaDepartment of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) has established guidelines defin-
ing gasoline range organics (GRO), diesel range organics (DRO), and residual range organics
(RRO) from gross organicmeasurements by gas chromatography.ADEC regulations indicate
which aromatic and aliphatic products and indicator compounds are to be tested for each
petroleum range. The analyst must useAlaska SeriesMethodsAK 101,AK 102,AK103
AK101AA,AK102AA, andAK103AA
and, for the various indicator compounds, methods
TestMethods for Evaluating SolidWaste, Physical/ChemicalMethods, SW-
TheAlaskaUST proceduralsmanual indicateswhich products are to be tested for each
petroleum range (see
AK101 is used tomeasure concentrations of gasoline range organics (GRO) inwater and
soil. GROs correspond to an alkane range from n-hexane (C6) to the beginning of integration
of the n-decane (C10) peak, and a boiling point range of 60°C to 170°C. The analytical
method isGC/FID/PID, as specified inEPAMethod 602 (water) or 8021B (solids).
AK101AA is used for extracting, fractionating, and quantifying aromatic and aliphatic com-
pounds in the gasoline range. Themethod isGC/FID/PID, as specified inEPASW-846meth-
ods 8015 and 8020B. Compounds are to be quantified as total area, as inMethodAK101.
BTEX indicator compounds aremeasured byGC/PID, because aromatic hydrocarbonsmust
be individually identified and quantified. Themethod quantifies C6, C7, C8, andC9 alkyl
benzenes as aromatics.
AK 102 is used tomeasure concentrations of diesel range organics (DRO) inwater and soil.
DROs correspond to an alkane range from n-decane (C10) to the beginning of integration of
the n-pentacosane (C25) peak, and a boiling point range of 170°C to 400°C. This range
includes kerosene, several types of jet fuel, several types of diesel fuel, and several light heat-
ing oils. The analytical method isGC/FID, as specified inEPAMethod 8000 in SW-8461,
American Petroleum Institute (API) consensusmethodMethod for theDetermination of
Diesel RangeOrganics revision 2, 2/5/95, and IowaMethodOA-2.4. Quantification is based
on direct comparison of resolved and unresolved peaks fromC10 to the beginning of C25
against aC10-C25 calibration standard. PAH indicator compounds are assayed and quantified
byMethod 8100 in SW-846.
AK 103 is used tomeasure concentrations of residual range organics (RRO) in soil. RROs
correspond to an alkane range from n-pentacosane (C25) to the beginning of integration of
the n-hexatriacontane (C36) peak, and a boiling point range of 400°C to 500°C. This range
includes asphalt, mid-range boiling point products such as diesel fuels, andBunker C. The
analytical method isGC/FID as specified inmethods 8000 and 8100 in SW-846,American
Petroleum Institute (API) consensusmethodMethod for theDetermination of Petroleum
Hydrocarbons 2/3/92,WashingtonHydrocarbon IdentificationMethodWTPH-HCID, Iowa
MethodOA-2, andWisconsinDepartment of Natural ResourcesModifiedDRO -Method for
DeterminingDiesel RangeOrganics.
1.AK101, AK102, AK103 revised April 8, 2002.
2.Aromatic/aliphaticmethods are under review
by the state at the time of publication (July,
Contact Information
AlaskaDepartment of Environmental
Juneau, AK 99801-1795
Phone: (907) 465-5203
Fax: (907) 465 5218
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