ESSENTIAL LIFE LC Columns - page 46

Mounting the packing device:
Mount columnbodywith fixedpiston andprotective jacked as described in chapter 1. Insert the
packing tube into the appropriate protective jacket and unscrew the adaptor onto the protective
jacket of thepacking tube.Connect bothassemblyunitswith thecouplingdeviceand tighten
firmly. Insert the tube-connection into the adapter.
Fill in the slurry through the adaptor.Take care that thewholepackingdevice is filled and freeof
air bubbles.Then close thepackingdevicewith the cap and secure that column lock, cap, adaptor,
tubeconnection, andcouplingdeviceare tightened firmly.
CAUTION! -Make sure that no particles remain between o-rings of coupling device,
adapter, cap, packing tube and column body. All o-ringsmust be in correct position.
7.1Preparing the slurry
Slurry the required amount ofmediawith a suitable solvent (see instructions ofmedia) to
reach thevolumeof thepackingdevice assembly.The slurryhas tobe shakengently toget a
homogenous solution (never useamagnetic stirrer formixing the slurry).De-gas the slurry
right beforeuse.
Alwaysuse related safetyequipmentwhenpackingglasscolumnsunderhighpressure.
Never use compressed air or gas for packingglass columns.Thepressure limits of
columns and equipment have tobekept absolutely. Be awareofwearing correct
CAUTION ! -Aglass column should always be usedwithout gas pressure. Even a small
tension in the glass body is sufficient to cause explosion of the glass body, resulting in
liberation of the expansion energy of the gas causing the glass pieces to act like projectiles. If
the glass body shatters under liquidpressure there is nodanger as liquids are only little
compressible thus having practically no expansion energy.
7.4Packing thecolumn:
Making sure that all steps duringpackingof the column are carriedout as quick as possible! Fill a
fewml solvent (see instructions ofmedia) into the column tube, so that thebottom frit is covered
with liquid.Be sure therearenoair bubbles.The slurrycontainer has tobe filledupcompletely
without anyair remaining. If needed fill up thepackingdevicewith solvent.Adjust thepump flow
to thepressure limit of the columnor pumpwith themaximum flow rateof thepump (never
exceed thecolumnpressure limit!).Keeppumpingat least until thecolumnpressure stays con-
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