ESSENTIAL LIFE LC Columns - page 43

3.1The endof the tubing is vertically cutwith aknifeor a tubing cuttingdevice.
CAUTION! -Donot cut with scissors toprevent squeezing. It is essential to cut the tubing
vertically, as the cut edge is part of the sealingarea!
3.2The fixing screw is drawnover the tubing.
3.3 .3The locking rings is drawnover the tubingwith the conical side against thebanjo
bolt. If it is not possible tomount the locking ring, the conical end iswidened
carefullywitha suitablearbor (e.g. a scribing iron).
3.4Now the fitting canbe inserted in thewantedposition.The seal is pressedonwards,
while the screws are fasteneduntil pressure is felt; then they are fastened for another
½ turn.
CAUTION!: -When the fittings are screwed into the teflon® thread it should be taken
care that the fittings are screwed down straightly and are fastened carefully to prevent damage
to the teflon® thread.
Adeadvolumewhichmight occur at thecolumn inlet canbe remedied simplywithout the
need toopen the column:
4.1Turnoff pump.
4.2Turn thedivisiblecolumn lockcounterclockwise.
CAUTION: - The piston should touch only the surface of the stationary phase. If it is
pressed into the stationary phase, the packingmay be destroyed.
Putting into operation
Pistons (3 and7), frits and columnbody (5)must be cleaned carefullybefore first use andbefore
eachnewpacking. In some cases itmight beuseful todismount the column andwash theseparts
ina sonicbath for severalminutes.After cleaningall partsmust be rinsedwithbio-distillated
water andmounted as describedunder chapter 1, part 2.All partsmust be free of dust andpar-
Be sure that the pistons (3 and7) are inserted carefully into the columnbody (5): If not intro-
ducedabsolutelyaxial, thepiston sealsmight bedamaged.
For operating the column it is connected to an appropriate chromatography systemor pump.
Chose tubing and tubingdiameter according to the solvents and flow rates tobe applied to the
column.Thepreferred flowdirectionof thecolumn shouldbe fromvariablepiston to fixedpiston.
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