DET 2012 Update 49pdf - page 16

innovations in chemical detection
DEl NPDhardware for custom
fit ontoBendix ProcessGCFID
base. DElstructure is 0.75 inch
hexagonal stainlesssteel stock,
approximately 1.50 inches tall.
DElstructurefits insideBendix
detector housing with ion
source power wiring (2 wires)
and electrometer signal wiring
(1wire) connecting to terminals
in base of Bendix detector
housing. Stand-alone DEl
Current Supply used to power
ion sources, and Bendix
negative ion electrometer used
for signal measurement.
TID Transducer with 0.375 inch Swage
inlet and 0.250 inch Swage outlet.
Standardhexagonal flanged ionsource
mounted in top of transducer tower
with fiberglass sleeved cabling
terminating in aTwinex typeconnector.
Standard signal probe extending from
side of tower has a flexiblemid section
for bending as required and aBNC type
connector for cabling to a negative ion
TID Transducer with 0.250 inch outer
diameter inlet tube and 0.250 inch
Swage outlet. Standard ion source and
signal connectionsasdescribedabove.
Other size tube/Swage inlet/outlet
fittings are also possible.
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