So What's Chromatography ?

Chromatography . . . Analytical Chemistry . . . laboratories . . . chemical analyses . . . Quality Control analysis . . .  Chemical R&D

Is the “Art of separating chemicals” and the qualitative AND quantitative analysis
of mixtures by instrumentation methods.
 ‘the technology’ . . .
    combines “high tech” elements of separation science, analytical chemistry,  physical chemistry, pneumatics, electronics, computers and software, with ancillary detection methods; mass spectrometry, ionization techniques; flame ionization, electron capture, photoionisation, flame photometric
Applications are widespread . . . in . . .
Pharmaceuticals, petroleum, environmental, gas analysis, explosives, drugs, forensics, polymer chemistry etc . . .
Design of separation columns integrate aspects of surface chemistry complex molecular polymerisation into both capillary columns and packed tube technologies.

Requirements are for both high temperature use( columns > 450degC) and high pressure ( normal 1-30psi) > 100psi for “FAST” Chromatography liquid absolute maximum in inertness of materials

Associated products involve fluid transfer, fittings, tubing, automatic sampling devices , injection systems, gas sampling and stream selection valves, pressure regulators, flow controllers, gas generators for H2, N2, & Pure Air

. . . It's estimated that 50 to 60% of chemistry access chromatography techniques
in one form or another as the key technique in day-to-day Research, Quality Control
Specific sectors of chromatography include . . .
Gas Chromatography
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
Column chromatography
. . .
from nanoscale, micro, analytical, semi-prep to preparative
( also . . . Paper chromatography
Ion chromatography

Electrophoresis . . .(  but that's NOT Us! )

CounterCurrentCentrifigal Chromatography here > unique Preparative Partition “LC”

Chromalytic Tech attempts to cover but a small fraction of possibilities in sourcing and supply of some of the “key” elements, “consumables” and replacement parts in this industry . . . all at an “affordable” cost with many alternatives often at better performance specs than the original OEM parts
albeit . . . just in our current range there some 30 to 40,000 individual products from some of
the leading OEMs ( NOT necessarily the largest ) many at the fore front of R&D
\ . . . if not . . . then at least with many innovative ideas !

it's a “dynamic” . . . and for-ever evolving !

in fact ~50% of all Analytical Chemistry involves Chromatography
in one form or another !

CT > What’s Chromatography ?

HPLC Introduction

HIgh(er) TECH HPLC Prep
> High Soeed Counter Current Centrifigal Chro.m. > Rotachrom

Video Video23 HPLC INtro

PDF PDF2 INTRO RotaChrom Intro > HSCC  by RotaChrom
see CCC CounetCurrent Chromatography

NEW ! Prep LC  Lab > industrial Scaleup > far better thr’put vs Prep HPLC & Flash Chromatography but definitely NOT Low Cost !

initially introduced  byu Us ~2003 > the 20 year  > Aussie R&D “hiatus” ?

Restek Literature generally is updated regularly > OLDER material is kept for
archive” Purposes - a Customer TECHNICAL Resource for U !
see 2011-22015-6 Catalogs some items no longer available / superceded ! : 
Printed Catalogs R NO LONGER AVAILABLE from Restek !

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* FlipHTML5 & PDFs are NOT effected by this “farcical” > ”anomoly” !

CT Chromatogrphy  >  PIC Gallery > via the “courtesy” of
PDF LINKs > Good IDEAS : Gadjets

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FIND-IT Chromtech Site(s) some HINTs

GoogleSearch Mainly OUR Chromtech Site ONLY
but TRY MS-BING for (some) AI > Very Good ! > “Boolean”
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PC to MOBILE "RESPONSIVE"  600>500>400px State of "OUR" Art !

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