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VICI ( Valco / Cheminert ) is the most prolific OEM of Instrumentation Valves

  • Low & High Pressure in SS & PEEK;
  • Injection : nano & Sample loop 4, 6Port
    Multi-Port; 1: 3, 4, 6, 8, 10,12, 16 & 22port

  • MicroVolume Sample Injection
  • Dual MicroVolume Sample Injection
  • Detector Selection from 2 Columns or One Column & Aux Carrier
  • Sample Injection
  • Backflush of Pre-Column to Vent
  • Two Column Selection
  • Same Sample to Different Loops
  • Loop Sampling with BackFlush to Detector
  • 2 Different Sample to Same Column
  • Sim Injection of Same Sample onto Separate Column
  • Loop Sampling with BachFlush of Pre-Column yo Vent
  • Loop Sampling with 2 Column Sequene Reversal
  • Sample Enrichment (Cleanup) Using Dual Pre-Columns
  • Heart Cut Trapped in a Loop and Injected onto a 2nd Column

    Typical APPs > INSTALLATION 2-P & Multi-P PDFs TN #413
    but NOT necessarily for the “faint-hearted” < re “Timed Events” > PeakSimple

    Multi-stream Selection

    1/16 to 1.00mm ports;
    1/8 to 1.00mm, 6, 10 ,12, 16
    1/4 to 4mm ports, 4, 6, 8
  • Dead-end Path - SD Configuration
    1/16 to 0.75mm ports; 6, 10, 12, 16
    1/8 to 1mm ports 6, 10, 12, 16
    1/4 to 4mm ports; 4, 6, 8, 10
  • Common Outlet Flowpath - SC Configuration
    1/16 to 0.75mm ports; 6, 10, 12, 16
    1/8 to 1mm ports 6, 10, 12, 16
    1/4 to 4mm ports; 4, 6, 8, 10
    Flow Thru’ FlowPath -SF Confguration
  • from 4 to 16 portsi
  • Actuators : Electric (old design); micro-Electric, Pneumatic PDF
  • For chromatography purpose valves are actuated by timing via GC or HPLC Data System

    eg SRI GCs using Timed Events ( often internal Solenoid Valves as well )
    - Electric Single Or Dual 6-port Loop Sampling Valves - Built-in and pre-configured to GCs 
    ( eg by SRIGC-USA > & Customised )

Cheminert stream 8 -Stream selection valves Videos
While there are a variety of flowpaths available in the Valco selector line, Cheminert selectors generally function as basic stream selectors; a selected stream goes to a common outlet, as shown below. (Or, a single stream can be directed to a selected outlet.)
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examples Only > 8, 12, 16 streams
> Click Image for > Video


VICI-Valco Stream  selection with dead-ended streams Video
2,949 viewsAug 16, 2013

SD flowpath selectors select one of 4 to 16 dead-ended streams.
This example illustrates a method for sampling non-pressurized containers which eliminates any possible effect from pressure differences among the containers, providing accurate and repeatable results.
In step 1, a vacuum pump moves sample from the container selected by the SD valve to a
6 port sampling valve.
In step 2, the 3 port valve blocks the vacuum flow through the sampling valve to allow the sample within the loop to equilibrate at atmospheric pressure.
Then in step 3, the 6 port valve is switched, injecting the sample.
All three valves can be automated with air or electric actuators for unattended operation

VICI -Valco Stream Continuous Flow to Individual Outlets Video

VICI 4-P Stream-Individual Outlets SF Complex

3,499 viewsAug 16, 2013
SF flowpath selectors select one of 4 to 16 streams, with the selected stream flowing from the valve outlet to a sample valve, pressure sensor, detector, column, etc., and each non-selected stream flowing to an individual dedicated outlet.
This is the ideal solution when reactions or process streams with differing upstream pressures must be analyzed, and can also provide independent containment of toxic or noxious streams. An SF valve together with a 6 port sampling valve and pneumatic or electric actuators comprise a complete sampling system for the automated analysis of up to 16 sample points.
In step 1, stream 4 is selected and the sample loop on the 6 port valve is loaded.
In step 2, the 6 port valve is switched, injecting the sample.
Step 3 advances the SF valve to stream 1, and the cycle is repeated.

VICI-Valco Sample Continuos Flow Trapping to Individual OutletsVideo

VICI 4-P Sample Trapping

3,201 viewsAug 16, 2013
ST flowpath selectors are used for multi-trap, multi-column, or multi-sample operations.
A typical application, shown here, is the collection of fractions at timed intervals for analysis
 at a later time.
In step 1, the 6 port valve is in the collection/trapping mode, with loop 4 selected for filling.
In step 2, the 6 port valve is in the analysis/desorption mode, with the contents of loop 4 going to the column.
Valves can be ordered with matched loops already installed.
Both valves can be supplied with pneumatic or electric actuators to automate these functions.

VICI -Valco Stream Selection example   > Continuous Flow to Common Outlet Video

VICI 4-P Stream Selection Continuous Flow Common Outlet

2,933 viewsAug 16, 2013’]
SC flowpath selectors select one of 4 to 16 streams, with the selected stream flowing from the valve outlet to a sample valve, pressure sensor, detector, column, etc., and the non-selected streams flowing to a common outlet.
This configuration is ideal for air quality monitoring; since the non-selected streams are continuously pulled through the valve, the most current sample will be provided as each point
 is selected for analysis.
In step 1, stream 1 is selected and the sample loop on the 6 port valve is loaded.
In step 2, the 6 port valve is switched, injecting the sample.
Step 3 advances the SC valve to Stream 2, and the cycle is repeated.

p1 with Video >  p2 ASK For Video Links

CT > Valve Apps-exotic

apologies for ANY “crap” U-Tube  “Ads”

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