Page 260 - MRC11_1-292

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An introduction to
EDX Pocket III specifications
Work i ng principle
XRF analysi s exploi ti ng x- ray Fluor escence Spect romet ry
J/ eusur uhle dl' lfll'llts
advanced thermoelectric cooli ng 5i ·PIN semiconductor X-ray detec tor w ith high perlormance and hi gh
energy resolut ion
Excitation so urc e
40kVt50 IJA
X- ray tuae.
anode ta rget
Data di .•plo}'
high definition and hi gh resolut ion PDA (Pe rson al Dig ita l Assistant) . Windows CE ope rating system,
Bluetooth communication , personal da ta handling and a-mail sending .
Data ,.'orog e
Large capaci ty SO card and SO card re ader enable the dala to store on PC and pri nt out
Po.....r .•upply
operating l ime of two ful ly-charg ed Lithium batte ries is no less tha n 8 hours
kilos(wi lhout battery r
Ow' ralf
260 x 32 5 X 12 5mm ( L XH XW)
Amb in ,t
t'lIJ'i r lJll m
temper ature- 20 "(: - ... 40C
S af ..,), f ..atur /'
both PDA and so ftwa re cperations are prote cte d by passwords. Unauthori zed people are not
allowed to opera te .
Sl alldard " cc esson e
shock , pressure
water-prcot ca rryi ng case wi th padlocks , 110 v/220v genera l- purpose charge r , large
capacity SO memory ca rd. SO ca rd reader, t wo 4000mAh Lithiu m batteries . Lith ium ba ttery charger,
PDA accessories , lab test sta nd (opti onal) , etc.
4 Website : E-mail TelNo : 03 9762 2034 . . . in AUSTRALIA