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EDX Pocket III
Appl ication fields
An Introduction to Alloy
EDX Pocket HI Handheld X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer can analyze all ki nds of high and low a lloy steel.
stainless st eel , too l steel , Chro me - Mo lybdenu m Steel, Nicke l a lloy, Cobalt alloy, Nicke l-Coba lt heat -resista nt alloy,
Tita nium alloy, Copper alloy, Bronze , Zinc all oy and Tungsten a lloy : it ca n also ident if y Grades of l ight Aluminum and
Ma gnesiu m allo ys th rough measuring other alloy element s .
Steels a re
a llo~' §
in .. htch Iron is mixed with Ca rbon (maj ur- cleme nts) ami othe r elements s uch as Silicon,
:\lan~llnl'Se .
Sulfur lind
Phosph or . Other elements a re ad ded to pruducc the chemica l specifications for the desired sled
~ ntdc . B~
deter mlnl ng the ccuc ent eanen of
th ese d ements, .. e kno .. th e p ropert ies and
t} J1~S
o f sleds.
• Chromium - Chromium is added to increase abrasion resistance. hardness and most of all corrosion resistance . Steel witl'l chromium
above 13% is regarded as stainless steel.
• Manganese- Manganese is a very important alloying element in steel. which helps to produce texture anct strengthen toughness and
abrasion resistance . In tl'le heattrealment and press process. it de-oxidizes tl'le inner side of me liquid steel. Manganese is otten seen in steels
used to make scissors (except A-2. L-6 and CPM420V).
• Molybdenum- Molybdenum is a carbonization agent. wh ich is used to prevent embrittlement of certain steels, It keeps the strength of the
steel at higl1er tempera ture. Molybdenum is seen in many type s 01 steel. e. g. the air-hardening steel (e.g, A-2. ATS-34 ). Air-hardening
steel contains 1
or more Molybdenum. Mo' s function is to cause the steel to harden in the air.
• Nickel -Nicke! is used to improve strength. corrosion resistance and duct ility
the steels . It is often seen in L-6\AUS-6 and AUS-8,
sucon-Lncs Manganese. Silicon improves the strength of the steel. Further, it keeps me strength of steel during the production process .
• Vanadium-Vanadium is added to improve the abrasion resistance and the ductility of me steels. Vanadium
in many types of
steel , such as M-2.
CPM T440V and 420VA The biggest dinerence between BG-42 and ATS-34 is that the former contains Vanadium.
• High-temperature and high-pressure
industries : steel melti ng . boil er .
pipeline and vessel manufacturing
• Industries such as non-ferrous metals .
space and aviation. weaponry and
shipbuild ing
Materi al
i denti fication and quality
high-te'l1perature and high–
pressure industries SJch as steel melting
and boiler.
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