Page 259 - MRC11_1-292

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Main characteristics of
EDX Pocket III
The inst rument is small, light and portab le, providing rap id and non -destruct ive on-s ite anal ysis of the
samples .
Figurat ive interface, fl exi ble software operation, intuitive spec t rum disp lay and defin ite resu lts.
'" Seve ral wor k ing curves are provided in the software , which can eve n be edited and renewed by the users
upon test requ irements.
'" Optional GPS helps locate the tested sample when min ing or surveyi ng mines in the field.
SO card with super large capaci ty is ava ilab le. There is no limit of data storage.
'" Att ract ive design and comfortab le fee l whe n held in hand.
The carrying case has high st rengt h and high seal ing capacity , drop and shoc k proof as we ll.
'" Faster ana lys is and better accu racy, de live ring lab-quality results.
'" Wide range of meas urab le eleme nts: Ti, V. Cr , Mn, Fe, Co, Ni , Cu, Zn , Zr, Nb, Mo, Sn, Hf , Ta,
W, Re, Pb, Bi. Se, Sb, Pb, Au and Hg.
'" Broad app lication f ields: RoHS testi ng, alloy analysis, geographic ana lysis, minerals ana lysis, prec ious
meta ls analys is, heavy meta ls analys is in soils , and scrap metals recycl ing analysis.
EOX Poc ket
Hand held X-ray Fluorescence Spectromete r is rap id,
accurate , non- dest ructi ve, porta ble, safe and rel iab le.
Rapid and accurate on-site ana lys is, givi ng a test in tens of seco nds and
sav ing time and money sig nificantly .
Field based direct surface measurement can be done without sample
prepa ratio n. Any sample type ,
includ ing so il, rock , dirt , dreg, so lid
part icles , l iquid sediments , etc can be tested .
has max imized flexib ility with cho ice of ana lys is modes , ensu ring good test
resu lts.
can wit hsta nd all kinds of harsh environment in temperature between
-20 'C
50 ·C .
is ideal for dusty, humid , and high-temperatu re conditions
ove r long periods.
The instr ument is easy and comfortable to use. High visualized. Brief
t raining is needed .
3 Website : E-mail TelNo : 03 9762 2034 . . . in AUSTRALIA