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An introduction to
EDX Pocket II I
EDX Pocket III is a Handheld X.ray Pucrescence Spectrometer specifically developed for on-si te analysis by
Sky ray. They include RoHS Analyze rs, Allay Analyzers, Scra p Metals Recycl ing Analyzers, Mineral Ana lyzers,
Precious Metals Analy zers and Soil Ana lyze rs . They are the small est, rapides t , most fun ct iona l and most
ana ly zers ava ilable on the mar ket. They can be used widely in fields such as alloy analysis ,
minerals ana lys is, geographic analysis , precious metals an alys is, scrap metals recyc ling analys is, RoHS testing
and soil analysis . Moreov er, it can also be us ed t o perfor m Pos it ive Mat er ia l Identifi cat ion (PMI) and
verif ication .
Lithium Battery Pack
Years of brewing and devolopment
Persistent efforts in quality pursuit
Optimized integration of
EDX-Pocket III is always outstanding!
• Its streamlined design brings us powerful visu al impact
• Its magnif icen t colors exhibits uni que charm
• Its exquisite kernel disp lays beauty of science and technology
• Its prudent gun loc k design provides secure "flrewall' at the full est
• Its portabil ity shows us great concern to humanity
Rapid Accurate NOli -destructive
Intuitive Lightweight Easy-to-use Safe
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