404 Error ? OK ! IF “%20” delete or replace “%20” with “-” in URL above & >< !


some Videos mini--Shoppe proto--Shop2CT > OUR “  Consensus >
CC >< GW & Finite>” Energy  ? > BLOGs(>“woke” )

CT Site Logoto Mbbile"true" responsiveto Mbbile"true" responsiveCT Site Logo

CHROMTECH :  Specialists in Chromatography
- Fluid Transfer Products : & 4 All Your Laboratory Needs !
- Importers & Distributors in AUSTRALIA

HOME > WP8) > ~600px

ALT SItes (Index)

-m4 ,-PC, (-m5)

> Our other Main OEMs
“Key” Products

-m4 pages are NOT necessariy ” responsiive “ > but scaled “> “pseudo”  mobile !
Some OEM Products ( File-prefix > “ X “ s > “ 404 Error   have been “ Archived “

Manual PDFs are still available ! for reference  ONLY ! > 
but ASK ! as we may offer ALTs ! > Flip HTML5 !

Restek Literature generally is updated regularly > Older
 material is kept for “archive” Purposes > and as a Customer
TECHNICAL Resource see 2011-22015-6 (& Current) Catalogs,
but some items are no longer available / superceded ! > ASK !
Printed Catalogs also have been  discontinued by Restek !

FAST Track ! into OUR Chromtech > OUR “real” some APPS ( Sections )
NOT just those “Crap” mobile “P(l)ay APPS ?
via flipHTML5 ( > PicLinks )
& by-pass the “drudgery” of HTM * !”
* > OK ?  > for the “intro” detail !

WOW section GOOGLE” may have in fact done us a favor ! & inadvertently ! . . . perhaps ?

despite probably having “cancelled” ( Our old Web editor-NOF15 ) us or simply deliberately confused the “S..t” out of ALL of US ! with their “crazy” ever-changing  Ranking “algorithm(s)”

“their ” [ SEARCH ] “ is NOW left “open” ! it seems ?
 ( at least temporarily perhaps ? ) >

the results are and can be “filtered” specifically by U 
 and ~80% in favor ! of Us ! ) .  .  . If that’s what u really want ?
via > . . .
a [ GoogleSearch ] > [ “keyword” + Chromtech ] eitherExternally? but better Within ! > here !

  • see via our Pic SNAPShot PICSnapshot >
    This tends to  by-pass most of the other “crap” results Google tends to come up with  ! eliminating those millions of “hits ?” otherwise caused ! > most Probably via “PAID Ads” ? > their PAY FOR ( Any? ) “ Ranking” > “scheme” ?

Certainly THIS Is Far from “perfect” ! as there’s some “interference” from a few similar “Web-Sites” to Ours and a
few other random “scammers” who attempt to “pirateOUR various WEBSites . . . & deliberately ! “oldHTM - NOF15
> Still Our preference > & Not SO Easy ! to “pirate” > “scam”
Current Editors are “full-of” 3rd party “APPS” & often > a bit “nebulous” > “buggy” and prone to simply dissappear ie “scam’s “ themselves ! ?
              . . . the “bane” of the Internet unless it’s better regulated !

Fortunately many of these are still relevant to Us ! even IF Only > via YOUR 2nd tier Search
even IF a mix of HTM, PDF, FlipHTML5 and even some old(fer) Flippages and more obvious “others”

THIS Site WE consider “simply” > more as a Technical Resource
both for U ! AND Us IF ONLy for “back up” “working” purposes

But IF SO ? > necessary ?
Please notify Us ! as references > WE can track down independently from ALTERNATIVES if need be and offer to YOU!

  • similarly [ search ] for some FlipHTML5 Product SECTIONS   arrowProducrSections

Perhap Google might “smarten up” eventually and introduce an effective “StepSEARCH” as it was invented 25 years ago ( in Australia ) but since sold-off > privatised since ! despite Googles Boolean
”pretense” attempt > “effort” !
2023+ MS-BING IS NOW a GOOD “compromise “AI” !

maybe even “self -cancel”their OWN “Snoop mechanism” via “hidden”
( Laptop ) cameras etc particular any pretense that
( at users option ) but obviously with “ their over-ride capability ”
when / if they “deem” it’s necessary ! ?

 & it IS Notable that after >30 years on the Net Our WEBsite(s) have
NEVER gotten Any Google Ranking what-so-ever !
& literally . . . THAT’s unbelievable ?

So at last >”MS-BING” >> “CoPilot” Has Now introduced an AI Attempt
 ( & IT IS Very GOOD! . . . soon to be followed No Doubt )
by GOOGLEs “effort”
> more & better competition dredges out more evolution !
Always a 20 year >“drag” R&D > “commercial”

At Least they Now seem to Index OUR Pages and at last we get them onto
 the “live” Web but “cacheing” and (Our)Site filtered “mirroring” possibilities the latest deliberate “scam” tactics are a worry ?
( server and / or corrupt ISP and SEO interference level ! ???
please explain ( Julia Hanson . . . but she’s just an Aussie MP ! )

the End Result WE get VERY little new customer interaction ??? > extraordinary !

in Hindsight after 30+ year of OUR (pseudo) > NET access !
( starting with CB radio and BulletinBoards/modems and crazy slow “speeds” for years and years ! )

until Telstra > Optus started “waking up” to themselves > belatedly !

NOW ! Even GOOGLE is STILL really “f..k.d in the head”
( being run by “nerds” ! ?. . . after all what do you expect ? )

More so they run to the tune & “whims” of THE “vested interests”
and where the $$$s REALLY are !

THEIR Ranking ? > doesn’t really matter what we do we actually get virtually “zero ranking” on their “pseudo fraudulent” Site RANK System

all based on the ever-changing “algorithm(s)” but inevitably hidden rank
“by ADS or payment” > “extortion” . . . who knows ! ?

Complicit by the WC3 Web HTM “consortium” a 3-4 party “consensus” directed by the like of WIN, APPLE, Adobe, IMG Samsun etc . . . but who’d really know ? > who change “web design” rules and tend to trash good Webtools and “Fast Track” evolution  > direction“ of s’ware & “built-in obsolescence etc strategies despite ALL claims to the contrary !

PDFs have never really progressed out of NOT being “Page-served” and inevitably ulra slow for PDF page bundles  . . . even now in 2023 for
> ~10-20pages . . . at Australian “choked” NetSpeeds . . . even the a lot of It is being targeted “cached” & mirror cached foe Website developers > previewing etc
> “crazy” delay effects in publishing / proof-reading etc

Catalog publishing > 50p ( and we have PDF “bundles” up to 1000 page in FlipHTML5 that ARE “Fast(er) > Page-served ( after an initial
“kick-start” overhead of a few secs > & BRILLIANT !
. . . perhaps this will be cancelled TOO as W3C “progresses & evolves > “backwards” !
             AND probably a far better presentation than PDF will ever be !

4 those “Faint-hearted” enough . . .  >

  • prematurely forced into “retirement” )
    NetObjects Fusion V15 ( 2015) which we still use as the best NAV design still available  & > “sabotaged ?”
    ( NOT supported NOW the web original “brains” probably have “die”-off by Now Or (bored) bought out literally ! )

> ALL in favor of “problematic more HTML5 addicts of WordPress and chaotic 3rd party plug-ins of quite variable “bug” and built-in obsolescence
Javascript > possibly being compromised

the “bullshit” of Cloud Servers and WIN auto-enforced updates
and on-the-fly ambiguous auto-changes to “ > latency jerkiness of the
Web & Wi-Fi generally > a problem  STILL !)

  • Examples of > obsoleted” Butexcellent s’ware
  • NOF v15 ( but w/o some of their proven  Now useless APPs )
  • WordPlus V8 2016!) ( good but  extinct” ! see Our SHOPPE !
  • Adobe “Flash” ( 2021) the basis of numerous WIN 3rd party” “plug-ins” for WIN but  note > NEVER recognised by APPLE . . . for example !
  • The built-in obsolesence ( marketing ) of WIN

     ( & way beyond XP, 7 > 10 > 11 ) > few benefits and a mindless complexity of un-needed > unwanted menu option > mess ) for 99.9% od web users to add up their grocery Shopping List or for “crazy” E-bay / Amazon etc buying !
    > a HUGE overkill > even a bit incestuous ! > (mono> Geopoly !)

ALL on the pretext of “security”
JUSTIFICATION for a perfected “Grey” WEB System”

the “freebie nerds” > can go to Hell !

Noticably the high Tech Govt monitoring and flux of “scammers” ever since has appeared to have drastically increased since the ~2016 ! “open up”
and even more “scammer loopholes” ?

WordPress > ??? and clones a bit of misdirection into “the gaggl”e of
so-called mobile APPS often dramatically limited by screen size and “practical usability “ Magoo

 but well B4 days of Twitter ! and it’s “ressurection !“  under Musk
degenerate now to Twitter & “Twats” and “words on one syllable
 and the “comms”  dialog of the “ woke” generation and the de-generated “Education” System as a whole > { THE “tick box” agenda ) !

and in the interest of seeing NOT reading e-mails past the Heading or first Twxt paragraph at best ! ?

> the “bottom line from THE TOP

CONGRATULATIONS” IF U’ve  read this > So Far !
perhaps even my “Blogs”  generally ! might extend this interest > much further ?

All in “the consequences & their favor”  of the evolution to WIN etc “gaps” in code > loopholes that come “ready made” for scammer “opportunities and SEO scams ! > a “consensus” opinion ?
> . . . AND ALL a contrived “farce” ? arguably perhaps ? !

CT Chromatogrphy  >   PIC Gallery > via the “courtesy” of ”Our” GOOGLE SEARCH  PICs &>
 >PDF LINKs & then > FlipHTML5 ! ( or > Library )
> even More (HTM/B’case) !
> Good IDEAS !

Email-Us U'r Feedback

We’d Welcome YOUR  e-Mail : > Response . . . but moreSo! YOUR “Feedback”
is also welcome !

> a TECH Resource for Analytical Chemists !


 > ~1000px PC Results
Or Ctrl-on this page
> results -m5

the Web "Ask" chromtech.net.au



 eMail Your Response / Feedback ? !

WE R Here 2 4 E-mail CHAT !


Corrections ! > ALL “HTM” links with “ “ (“ space “in the URL now are
“auto-fixed” on-line by NOF15 NOT with “%20” but with “-” instead & are NOW
W3C / HTML5  OK ! “_” ( underscore “) are accepted with NO dreaded “404” errors !

* FlipHTML5 & PDFs are NOT effected by this “farcical”> NET ”anomoly” !

NOW use TAWK from ~31Mar24+ Tick-s

 some of Our Other Main OEM Suppliers !

[CHROMTECH Suppliers-m5] [SR! GCs-m5] [SRIGC-PriceList-m5] [Biotech_Fluidics] [VICI-Jour-NewProducts-m5] [Instrumentation-VICI-m5] [VICI-PrecisionSampling-m5] [xRestek Chromatography-m5] [NewEra SyringePumps-m5] [PlasticFittings-ValuePlastics-m5] [ALT PlasticFittings2022-m5] [PeakSimple DataSystem-m5] [Membrane Solutions-m5] [Kebby Crimpers-m5] [NUTECH Air Monitoring]

 some of Our “KEY “ Products

[CHROMTECH Products] [PlasticFittings-ValuePlastics-m5] [SPE-SamplePrep-m5] [ALT PlasticFittings2022-m5] [Syringes-m5] [PlasticSyringes NormJect-m5] [Gas Sampling Bags-m5] [NEW Vial Products-m5] [Crimpers-2012Update] [IDEX FITTINGS ALL-m5] [Chromatography Fittings-m5] [Chromatography Tubing-m5] [Ferrules-m5] [Graphite Ferrules-m5] [PeakSimple DataSystem-m5] [Instrumentation Valves-m5] [Filtration Accessories-m5] [Detectors-GC-m5] [HPLC Detector Lamps 09-m5] [Chromatography Products-Main-m5]

CT Introduction2021>+

CT-About Us

> inc FlyOuts (& ~950 HTMs)

> Child pages & “flyouts” >

> MOB x ~ 195 books !


ReadThis First ! (only1p)


All FlipHTML5s x195

 > a FlipHTML5 BookShelf library
> Reference “Books” = ~1000s PDFs

 Flippable > & a “Shortcut”
. . .
/chromtech ‘11-2022

but “focus” on
OUR -m 5 ! pages

NEW miniCart2022

mini- SHOPPE

MALs Cart

> Pay Pal Cart ?

-m4 >? > on a 
Mobile” Phone

hhhmm ! > forget it ! ?

WE do apologise if IT
ALL appears a bit
“archaic”€¯ in design ?

    • if U find it difficult to Navigate

this CHROMTECH Site has ”evolved “ from literally 
day ONE of the WEB
1992+ never-ending !
some Supplier
Product Lines
 may i have disappeared
by attrition in a “never unchangingWorld !
 please Use
TECH Literature Resource
Work WITH us !
and we’ll attempt
to find ALTs to try bring YOU
up to speed !

MOBILE > a preview ONLY ?
but ITs’
> “latency” > slows down > the response
maybe >10-20secs
to load > “Flip o’heads“
but THEN it’s  OK !  ?
> a WiFi Mobile Limitation
for the 100s of PDFs > embedded in OUR FlipPAGES
& Smaller bookcases

are much faster ! ie Page-served vs the PDF loads
complete b 4U can View !


Flip Library Bookcase ~100Catalogs

for THE detail !

on PCs >are Very
! Tick

AS for OUR
SHOP Carts ?

WE Do try keep prices
up to date > more-so
in later versions as
designated ! with ANY Discounts for Qty ! >
Otherwise treat
 these as “Indicative” ONLY but we will try & Honour it €?
> ASK for a QUOTE (RFQ? )

invariably we have used PayPAL > in the past
for CC Payments >

BUT If U find PP diffcult ?

an AUS based CC Method
> & far more reliable

more in “sync”€¯
with THE Aust Bank
“Regulation” System€¯
> Bank Transfer Payment is preferred by Us for Invoice(s)
IF > $2000 due to fees !

  • Payment Details
    on Request ! Or on OUR 
  • Manual INVOICE
    CC Payment System !

4 more ? . . . >
“ Collaborative€¯ “ Projects

see here !

> & for ALL OUR ~900 HTMs
 on this detail(ed) SITE !
& links to 1000s PDFs embedd e dinto FlipHTML5s

> an “Overkill” perhaps for those “dubious” mobile phones !