SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 800

Replacing theTCD current set resistor
TheTCD current set resistor con-
trols the constant current delivered
to the filaments. For usewithAr-
gon or Nitrogen carrier it is advis-
able to reduce the current to 80
milliamps. This requires the instal-
lation of a 15 ohm resistor instead
of the 10 ohm resistor whichwas
installed onSRI GCs prior toOcto-
ber 2010.
Youwill need aPhillips screw-
driver, a 5/64th hex headwrench
and a small flat blade screwdriver.
Remove the 6Phillips screws
holding the bottom plate of theGC
to the chassis.
Remove the 8 hex head screws
and 2Phillips head screws holding
the front panel to the chassis.
ThePhillips screws are in the two
rubber bumpers.
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