RtxPresentations07 - page 990-991

The unique selectivity of theUltra IBD columnwas
used todevelop a two-columnmethod for analyzing
amixture of the 17 triazine, phenyl urea, and
carbamate pesticides andmetabolites listed onTable
1. On theUltraC18 column, 15of the 17
compounds are resolved. AnUltra IBD columnwith
the same conditions also resolves 15of the 17
compounds, but the pesticides that co-elute on the
C18 arewell resolved, as indicated by the arrows.
1...,970-971,972-973,974-975,976-977,978-979,980-981,982-983,984-985,986-987,988-989 992-993,994-995,996-997,998-999,1000-1001,1002-1003,1004-1005,1006-1007,1008-1009,1010-1011,...
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