RtxPresentations07 - page 390-391

The analyses ofDioxins, Furans, andPCBs are generally performed using at least 2 different methods, and if data for the co-
planar PCBs is required a thirdmethod is often utilized. This canmean that for 1 sample itmay be necessary to perform a
dual-columnECDmethod for the non-coplanar PCBs, high resolutionmass spec analysis for the dioxins and furans, and either
amass spec or another ECD analysis for the co-planar PCBs. Additionally commonmethodologies for these analyses can
result in 1-hour long chromatographic separations, and different sample preparation proceduresmay also be required.
This investigation describes the preliminary data in the attempt to consolidate all of these analyses plus the toxaphene and PAH
analyses into a single high resolutionGC/MS separation.
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