RtxPresentations07 - page 3704-3705

TheRtx-VRX andRtx-VMShad the best performance given the
compound list and columndimensions. Incomplete resolutionof TAME
andbenzenemake theRtx-Volatiles apoor choice for an extended list of
volatiles. TheRtx-624 also suffers froma coelutionof TBA/MTBE, but
with a longer column this pair is able tobe resolved.With an expanding
target list anddifficult samplematrixes, caremust be taken to assure
correct compound identification in the presence of interferinganalytes.
1...,3684-3685,3686-3687,3688-3689,3690-3691,3692-3693,3694-3695,3696-3697,3698-3699,3700-3701,3702-3703 3706-3707,3708-3709,3710-3711,3712-3713,3714-3715,3716-3717,3718-3719,3720-3721,3722-3723,3724-3725,...
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