RtxPresentations07 - page 2228-2229

AnalysisOPPesticides byGC/MS
Polymers designed for selective detectors, like theNPDor FPD,
mustmaximize resolutionbetween analytes for identification and
Due to the high selectivity for themodeled
compounds, these columns are also a good choice forGC/MS
AlthoughMSdetectors canbe used for resolving
compounds that chromatographically coelute, it is best tominimize
TheRtx-OPPesticides2 column is optimized for resolution of all
53OPPesticides and ismadewith a lowbleedpolymer.
makes the column an excellent choice forGC/MS analysis of
organophosphorus pesticides.
The following chromatogramshows
an analysis time of <21minutes andonly2 pairs of coeluting
These coeluting compounds have differentmass
spectra, allowing themtobe identified and quantitated.
1...,2208-2209,2210-2211,2212-2213,2214-2215,2216-2217,2218-2219,2220-2221,2222-2223,2224-2225,2226-2227 2230-2231,2232-2233,2234-2235,2236-2237,2238-2239,2240-2241,2242-2243,2244-2245,2246-2247,2248-2249,...
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