VICI-Valco Catalog #60 289p - page 230

calibration gas standards/generators
vici metronics
Dynacal permeation devices are small,
inert capsules containing a pure
chemical compound in a two phase
equilibrium between its gas phase and
its liquid or solid phase. At a constant
temperature, the device emits the
compound through its permeable
portion at a constant rate. Devices
are typically inserted into a carrier
Tubular device
The tubular device,
a sealed permeable
cylinder containing
the desired
permeant reference
material, is the most
widely used of the
various permeation devices. Release
of the chemical occurs by permeation
through the walls of the Teflon
for the entire length between the
impermeable plugs. A wide range of
rates can be achieved by varying the
length and thickness of the tube, with
typical rates ranging from 5 ng/min to
50,000 ng/min.
Extended life tubular device
Our unique
extended life
tubular (XLT) device
is essentially a
standard tubular
device coupled to
an impermeable
stainless steel reservoir. This design
offers a range of permeation rates
corresponding to a tubular device but
has a significantly enhanced lifetime –
by a factor of 3 for a 5 cm (active
length) device or a factor of 12 for a
1 cm device.
Wafer device
Wafer devices
have only a
small permeable
window, or wafer,
so permeation rates
are typically lower
than rates
for tubular devices. Since permeation
occurs only through the polymeric
wafer, the permeation rate is con­
trolled by varying the wafer material,
the thickness of the wafer, and the
diameter of the permeation opening.
Gases whose high vapor pressure at
normal permeation temperatures
prevent their containment in a
tubular device can be contained in
a wafer device. Wafer devices are
available in different styles to allow
use in calibrators made by various
Dynacal® Permeation Devices
Ideal for lab environments
Smaller than G-Cal devices
More accurate than G-Cal devices
Require a temperature-controlled environment
Inexpensive calibration solution
available in
Dynacal perm
Literally hundreds
of compounds are
available in our
permeation devices.
This list is merely
representative of the
range we offer. Contact
us if you don't see what
you're looking for.
Carbon disulfides
Carbon tetrachloride
Dimethyl sulfide
Ethylene oxide
Hydrogen cyanide
Hydrogen fluoride
Hydrogen sulfide
Isopropyl alcohol
Methyl bromide
Nitrogen dioxide
Sulfur dioxide
Sulfur hexafluoride
Vinyl acetate
more information
G-Cal perm tubes . p. 232
flow to generate test atmospheres
for calibrating gas analyzer systems,
testing hazardous gas alarms, or
conducting long-term studies of
effects on materials or biological
systems – in short, any situation
requiring a stable concentration of a
specific trace chemical.
CHROMalytic TECHnology Pty Ltd AUSTRALIAN Distributors e-mail:
Tel: 03 9762 2034
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