SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 88

Operators can set channel parameters for each channel via the
Channel details dialogbox. Set the sampling rate anddefault display
limits; choose temperature, pressure, or gradient control; subtract
the baseline from another channel; overlay the data from another
channel; turnDataLoggermodeONorOFF; designatea start time to
compensate for relative retention shifts, andmore.
Program one or two SRI GC column ovens
from ambient to 400°C with unlimited ramps
andholds, 0.01degree resolution, andnegative
Program thecarrier gaspressurewithunlimited
ramps and holds on SRI GCs equipped with
electronicpressure control (EPC).
Inaddition toperforming timed integrationevents, control up to
eight external contact closure relayoutputs toactuatesampling
valves, autosamplers, solenoids, pumps, or anyexternal device
usingTTLor relay contact closure triggers.
Create, save, and edit component tables with an
unlimited number of compounds. Enter expected
retention times, control peak display, and more!
Component details may be viewed and edited
by double-clicking on any retention window in
the chromatogram, or by double-clicking on any
component in the list.
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