NewEra2013CatalogAUS - page 9

AdvancePer Step: 4.252232Nanometers
Smoothpumpingat ultra low flow rates. Accepts syringes from the smallest size availableup to 60mL.
A 140mL syringe canbe filledup to120mL. Pumping rateas lowas 0.008nL/hr with a .5µL syringe or
as high as 1246µL/minwith a 60mL syringe. Includes theXUpgradeSmoothLinear/Gradient increas-
ingand decreasingpumping feature.
NewEraPumpSystems, Inc.
Continuous InfusionMicrofluidics
**Not ForClinical UseOnHumans**
TheNE-1000Familyof SyringePumpsFeatures
Two pumps connectedwith a dual cable create aDual PumpSystemallowing for continuous infu-
sion or emulsification. Network, control, andmonitor up to100 pumpswith one computer.World-
wide power supplies available. Motor stall detection. Non-volatilememory of all parameters and
programming. Upgradeable to theXandX2advanced firmware versions for gradient pumpingand
increasedprogrammemory. Dispensingaccuracy of +/-1%. Unlimited lifetime technical support.
Two year warranty. Plusmany, manymore features!
Built for Automation
Operates stand-alone or from a computer
Infuses andwithdraws
Applications range from simple infusions to complex pumping programs
Programmable preset protocols
Programup to41 pumping phases: changepumping rates, set dispensing volumes, insert pauses, control
and respond toexternal signals, sound thebuzzer.
RS-232 andTTL logic control interfaces
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,...24
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