NewEra2013CatalogAUS - page 12

(Model: Dual-NE-1000X)
TheNext Generation
Continuous InfusionSyringePumpSystem
Eliminates the problem of flow rate drop-off found in "Push-Pull" syringe pumps. In these "Push-Pull" systems, one
pump is refillingwhile the other infuses and then they switch directions. That switch of directions causes a pauseor
drop in flow. TheContinuousNE-1000X's continuous pumpingmodeeliminates the flow rate drop offs andpauses.
For usewithour continuous infusion system or dual infu-
sion system.
Provides adual check valve for two syringes, withdraw
will pull fluid from a reservoir and infusionwill output into
a separate line.
The kit is pre-assembled, all you need to do is plug in the
Each dual check valve uses 6" of 1/8" tubing to connect
toaY connector, one for reservoir and one for output;
eachY-connector has 5' of tubing tomake connections to
your application.
Two 60cc Terumo syringes are included.
Individual parts are also available.
Dual PumpPlumbingKit -
Model: P-DKIT
Built for Automation
Operates stand-alone or from a computer
Infuses andwithdraws
Applications range from simple infusions to complex pumping
Programmable preset protocols
Program up to 41pumping phases that change pumping
rates, set dispensing volumes, insert pauses, control and
respond toexternal signals, sound the buzzer
RS-232 andTTL logic control interfaces
Network, control, andmonitor up to100pumpswith one
Gradient rampingof flow rates
Worldwide power supplies available
Motor stall detection
Non-volatilememoryof all parameters andprogramming
Upgradeable to340 pumpingphases programmemorywith
Dispensing accuracyof +/-1%
Unlimited lifetime technical support
Two year warranty
Plusmany, manymore features!
NE-1000XFamilyof SyringePumpsFeatures
How itWorks:
Refilling pump refills the syringeat a faster rate than the infusing
pump, giving it time toprime the syringe.
Refilling pump pauses andwaits for the infusingpump toempty.
When thepumps switch directions, the refilledpump is primed
and starts infusing at the set rate immediately.
TwoNE-1000XFamilyof SyringePumps connected together via
aDual PumpSyncCable.
ContinuousPumpingMode provides a precise continuous flow
without anydrop-offs of pauses.
Programmable infusion, refill and prime rates and syringeover-
lap and prime volumes.
Flexibility for the pumps toperform either continuous flow, emul-
sification, or independently at any time.
**Not ForClinical UseOnHumans**
NewEraPumpSystems, Inc.
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