i Contact Us-m5

404 Error ? OK ! IF “%20” > then delete ! or replace THE “%20” with “-” (a minus!) in the URL above & >< !


> Our Main Suppliers
“key” Products

mini-SHOPPE  proto-Shop2CT > “OUR Consensus” > CC > GW & Energy BLOGs > & some politics !


see FlipHTML5s

Contact Us(-m5)

ALT SItes ( Index )

-m4 , -PC, (-m5)

OEM (& Restek ! ) Literature    generally is updated regularly > ”OLDER”  material on this Site is  for
Our “archive”€ Purposes - and as a Customer TECHNICAL Resource for U ! & >Your Subscription to Restek
see Restek Catalogs > 2009-10, 2011-22015-6 > but some items no longer available / superseded ! : ASK !
Printed Catalogs
  R NO LONGER AVAILABLE from Restek ! ( latest was 2015-16 ! > & here on-line ! )

Please Contact Us . . .

 > YOUR Response / Feedback !  ?

      . . .  and we will Certainly try and help You!

 4  any and ALL of your Chromatography or Fluid Transfer needs and products
. . . you might be looking for . . .

> or simply for that alternative Supplier . . . for one who really cares !
> . . . Tech support ? . . . YES ! . . . WE will attempt to help YOU !
 - AND ALL at NO charge !
 . . . Nor charge you any exorbitant “rip-off” costs FOR those “Consultancy” Fees !

. . . WE even answer the “bl..dy” phone . . . with NO phone recorder
/ music OR put YOU On Hold !

ALSO .  .  .  if you find problems navigating this web-site . . . ???
- Call Us if you need help !

 Do Yourself a favor !. . . just a few minutes explanation might help you immensely
- there are over 30,000 individual items / products from 15 suppliers and thousands
of pages of technical information
 / catalogs / brochures and info in various formats . . . difficult to detail ? . . . you BET !
. . .  HTM, PDF and DJVU; pic files jpg / gif . . . etc
. . . but NEW FlipPage > FlipHTML5 technology will help even YOU !

“ but remember .  .  . Life wasn’t meant to be easy ! . . . “

U still might need some HELP . . .
Navigating Our WebSite(s) for example !  .  .  .  ASK !

Chromalytic Technology Pty Ltd

ABN : 14 643 445 058

PO Box 435, Boronia,
232 Forest Rd,
Boronia, Victoria 3155, Australia
Tel :+61 (0)3 9762 2034
Fax :  +61 3 9761 1169

e-mail addresses :

but “snail” Mail 
. . NO! . . .  forget it!

  • General (Site) Info

our Chromalytic Tech Website(s) . . .

updated 09 and > www.chromtech.net.au
2015+ www.chromalytic.net.au
2018+ www.chromtech-aus.com > mobiles R ok !

re“mobile” Website : - (500px)
Or m4 ( 400px)
- = m4+sideNAV  ( “Fly-out” sub-menus.)
& automated ( >prototype Only )
even tho’ it “All” might appear
“ a bit of a mess ! ”

New HTML-5 FlipPAGES FlipBook-2 > FLIP-HTML5 now support mobile phones
 APPLE PCs I-PADs & Android
(limited . . . but still quite useful!)

but BEWARE !. . .  the ”elephant in the garden patch”
. . . Telstra ! and “Data Download rates” on mobiles
 . . . use  Wi-Fi  whenever possible for browsing
 . . . & defintely don’t use “roaming” if overseas . . . they can “rip U off !”

2019 upgrade for (some) “mobile” compatability

but really are those Mickey Mouse mobile phones “bearable”;
re twittering OK  perhaps ?
but for anything technical ? . . . in detail ???

  • to achieve some mobile compatability
  • original NOF ( Net Objects Fusion ) design was intended for PC screens 1300px

NOW !   If U access these from a mobile(<420pc U can Manually redirect
to a mobile friendly version Table mobileA8, - (500pix) or this 400pix screen

temporarily !  . . . as a compromise ! . . . >
for maintenance “ease” we also have body_”page”.htm  (discontinued)
based on the same 600px (body) of the PC (1000px) ( ie w/out side NavBars )

“WIX” Site www.chromtech-aus.com which auto re-Sizes the HTM pages/text to fit

IN THE CONTEXT of more modern LOGIC . . .

  • BUT as you’d know an A4 print PDF page is unreadable at 420px
    THEN as a ROUTINE you still have to “PINCH & Zoom” !

& ALL decent mobiles DO THIS ! . . . now-a-days !

So ! Until GOOGLE wakes up to this ! . . . we are prepared to accept
any of Googles’ DOWN-RANKING us !

  • but anyway ! . . . we think we’ve implemented a reasonable compromise !
  • our SHOP2CT Cart is a proto and does rescale OK to a mobile format
     . . . as well as for PC and Tablets

NEW ! . . . Website : 2014+
- www.chromtech.net.au/mobile/minisite-chromtech.htm
revised > upgraded (2018) to Our mini-(SHOPPE)
.”cut down” site for Apple, I-PAds, mobile phones with” high degree” of compatability
 ( FlipPAGEs  ( plus “prototype” Shopping Cart (MALs’) / List & still active ! )

and 2014 ‘twas a Big Upgrade  - 4 Us 1

  • Our SITE(s) are continuosly being upgraded from the Original www.chromtech.com.au ( now obsolete ) site.  NOW re-directed to here > www.chromtech.net.au ) . . . as Our detailed “High Technical Site”. GOOGLE still finds them On-line but Nothing re “Goo” Ratings of Ours ??? . . . NOT PAID-fFor “ADS” > OUR Limitation ? . . . but our old WebEditor ( NOF15 )
    and pre W3C s’ware coding ?

    Reluctantly we have blendedt hese “Current” Site(s) and newer “mobile” versions  scaled more appropriately to -m4, -m5 formats
    . . .  but with some obvious limitations !

    WE have also introduced resposive : mobile WEbsite format

Now “from the Clouds” ex USA and elsewhere ! > Out of AUSTRALIA !
 - to hell with Turnbull and HIS NBN  ! At LAST 2019 -June & it is Now “ A OK” ! > for Us ! ) BUT deiberately choked ? > throttled > ration(ialis)ed ! FOR US !
> “ in a continous state of flux” . . . more recently by deceoptive “caching” techniques of ALL ISP

-    some “old Flash” Files & non-compatible
HTML-5  features now deleted ( old site ) & Now NO Longer maintained  . . . but still useful as backup/extra info )this Current Site has evolved since about 1994 and understandably it has been bit “chopped around” . . . but it’s always improving ?

-    some older items and Suppliers have disappeared or are “dormant”
OEMs / Suppliers . . . they disappear or bought out by the “big boys” !
. . . “Thermo” for example !
 . . . So ! . . . some Product availability needs to be confirmed  > or ASK for Alternatives !
FlipHTML5 introduced by Us ~2018 is a dramatic improvement over PDFs > the “core” is GOOD and long established by Adobe but Still being“crucified” by NOT being “Page-served” and Very Slow for large PDF files ( >10-20PDFE and >20Mb)

  • almost “perfected” . . . 2015 HTML5 Flip Based Site / SHOP Cart  after much proto flip files /pdfflip/ and /flip/ ( E-Books and the break-thru’ ”Djvu” going back 20+ years )
  • as well as countless /PDF2/ files . . . > the base for ALL FLIPS !

CT > Contact Us !

> a Hi-TECH  Resource for - Analytical Chemists !         CT-Chromatography  >
PIC Gallery >   via these>PDF  LINKs > Good IDEAS : Gadjets

Email-Us U'r Feedback

GoogleThis CHROMTECH Site-2022


the Web "Ask" chromtech.net.au

Tick OK Updated !

We’d Welcome YOUR   e-Mail /chat  Response >
but YOUR “Hi-TECH“ “Feedback” is Welcome


WE R Here 2 4 E-mail CHAT !

ALL.FlipHTML5& much”MORE” !
x~195 ea books :> 50>to 800p each>1000s PDFs’

-m5 = -m4 / -PC but With Flyouts ?> need to “Zoom’ ! +Pinch & Rotate” but > OK ! ? as a preview !

ReadThis First ! (only1p)
FlipHTML5 Bookcase Library

AllFlipHTML5 sx195Books

THEN > any PC ! for THE Detail !
& OR “-m4” (mobile) FlipHTML5

& on Your Mobile ? > “-m5” *Parent  ~ (1)
>50ea x HTM ? > With “Child” >
“Flyouts” !

THIS SITE (-m5) > “Child” pages

> & ALL  HTM FlyOuts  > (~900 Total)

Corrections !   >  ALL “HTM” links with “  “ ( space ) in the URL now are “auto-fixed” on-line by NOF15 NOT with “%20” but with “ -” ( hyphen ) instead & are NOW W3C / HTML5  OK ! yet “_” (underscore) are accepted
 with NO dreaded “404” errors !

* FlipHTML5 & PDFs are NOT effected by this “farcical” > ”anomaly” !

 some of Our Other Main OEM Suppliers !

NOW use TAWK Tick-sfrom ~31Mar24+ but AI limitations !
> & U must PAY Extra 4 ! ?
 > but at least > Be-a-Ware !
. . . to install Tawke.to !

[CHROMTECH Suppliers-m5] [SR! GCs-m5] [SRIGC-PriceList-m5] [Biotech_Fluidics] [VICI-Jour-NewProducts-m5] [Instrumentation-VICI-m5] [VICI-PrecisionSampling-m5] [xRestek Chromatography-m5] [NewEra SyringePumps-m5] [PlasticFittings-ValuePlastics-m5] [ALT PlasticFittings2022-m5] [PeakSimple DataSystem-m5] [Membrane Solutions-m5] [Kebby Crimpers-m5] [NUTECH Air Monitoring]

 some of Our “KEY “ Products

[CHROMTECH Products] [PlasticFittings-ValuePlastics-m5] [SPE-SamplePrep-m5] [ALT PlasticFittings2022-m5] [Syringes-m5] [PlasticSyringes NormJect-m5] [Gas Sampling Bags-m5] [NEW Vial Products-m5] [Crimpers-2012Update] [IDEX FITTINGS ALL-m5] [Chromatography Fittings-m5] [Chromatography Tubing-m5] [Ferrules-m5] [Graphite Ferrules-m5] [PeakSimple DataSystem-m5] [Instrumentation Valves-m5] [Filtration Accessories-m5] [Detectors-GC-m5] [HPLC Detector Lamps 09-m5] [Chromatography Products-Main-m5]


CT-About Us

NEW Home2022+ > simple> some SHOPPE

11-2022+ HTM > FlipHTML5
a ”select” Shortcut


( -updateCT11-m5 )

FIND-IT Chromtech Site(s) some HINTs

GoogleSearch Mainly OUR Chromtech Site ONLY
> Very Good ! > “ Boolean”
 in comparison !



Home Page 2021

*results? > mainly
 for an ~600+ PC & >
“ ANY Split Screen” APPs

FlipHTML5 Bookcase

> View OUR ! 
WIX Site > 4 a More
” optimal “  Device >
“Mobile” phone(s) ? !

PC to MOBILE "RESPONSIVE"  600>500>400px State of "OUR" Art !

> 2019

Current Catalogs


Mobile Responsive”
 WebSITE ( s ) (-) > &
to Our WIX Site

CT-INTRO > 2020-22+

[ Ctrl + F ]
to Search THIS page

X” - filename
NOWArchived” ! Or
> Restricted Access
ONLY ! >
ASK ? 4 ALT details ?


Mals Cart
> PayPAL(?) link>
Manual” CC
use ! > OR
details > on  YOUR 
proForma Invoice
! Tick-s


On a “Mobile“
phone ?  > “ZOOM”
required > as just too “Squinty”
 OR for an
“A4” PDF even !

> Index-Extended < inc.
* Fly-Out sub-menus (Child)
& > “ALL” Our CT HTMs
~900p in Total
> 1000s PDF bundled into
 FlipHTML5 “Books”

( in -m5 this RHS MB
CAN disappear ?
> C&P back as this may be a
HOST Server cache

( & delay mins > hours ? ! )