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Our “archive Purposes - and as a Customer TECHNICAL Resource for U ! & >Your Subscription to Restek
see Restek Catalogs > 2009-10, 2011-22015-6 > but some items no longer available / superseded ! : ASK !
Printed Catalogs
  R NO LONGER AVAILABLE from Restek ! ( latest was 2015-16 ! > & here on-line ! )

Sample Preparation  SPE -
Chromatography - Mass Spec PDF 82p pdf

Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry

High Throughput Cleanup Solution

24-Well HLB Lim Plates 524-Well Pesticide Residue Purification Plates 724-Well MultiFunctional Purification Plates 11

Pretreatment for Food Safety Testing

SPE Cartridge Sorbent Selection Guide 15SPE Cartridge Operation Procedures 16
SPE Cartridge Directions 17
SPE Cartridge Product List 18

Polymer Sorbent
HLB Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balanced 20
MAX Mixed-mode Anion Exchange 20
MCX Mixed-mod Cation Exchange20WCX Weak Cation Exchange 21WAX Weak Anion Exchange 21
HLB Lim Cartridges for Multi-Residue Analysis of Veterinary Drug 22

SPE Cartridges

C8 Octyl 24C18 Endcapped Octadecyl 24
C18A Unendcapped Octadecyl 24
C18N Unendcapped Octadecyl 24
Diol Dihydroxy 25Silica Unbounded Silica Gel 25
NH2 Aminopropyl 25
CN Cyanopropyl 25
SAX Strong Anion Exchange 26
SCX Strong Cation Exchange 26
PSA Primary-Secondary Amine 26
PRS Propylsulfonic Acid 26
C8/SAX Octyl/Strong Anion Exchange 27
Carb-GCB Graphitized Carbon Black 27
C8/SCX Octyl/Strong Cation Exchange 27
Carb-GCB/PSA 27
Carb-GCB/NH2 28
PH Phenyl 28
lorisil Pesticide Grade Florisil 28
 ALA, ALN, ALB, Alumina 28

Mycotoxin Clean-up Columns

Mycotoxin Rapid Testing Solutions 29
Aflatoxin Immunoaffinity Columns 30
Three-in-one (ADZ) Immunoaffinity Columns 30
Zearalenone Immunoaffinity Columns 30
Four-in-one (ADOZ) Immunoaffinity Columns 30
Deoxynivalenol Immunoaffinity Columns 31
Ochratoxin A Immunoaffinity Columns 31
T-2 Toxin Immunoaffinity Columns 32
Tetrodotoxin Immunoaffinity Column32
Fumonisin FB Immunoaffinity Column 32
ELISA Kit 32
Multi-Functional Purification Column 33

Special SPE Cartridges

SLE Cartridges for AZO Dye Testing 35
SPE Cartridges for Pesticide Residue Testing in Tea 36
Cartridges for Ion Chromatography Pretreatment 36
Destaining Cartridges for Chrome (VI) Testing 36
Cartridges for Plasticizer Testing 37
Polyamide(PA) SPE Cartridges 37
Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) Cartridges 37

BioComma2023Cat-1 FlipHTML5


General Procedures of QuEChERS 40
QuEChERS Extraction Kits
41QuEChERS Premixed Extraction Salts 42
QuEChERS Clean-Up Kits 43
QuEChERS Clean-Up Pouches 44
QuEChERS Bulk Sorbents 44
QuEChERS Ceramic Homogenizers 45
Veterinary Drug Residue Specialty QuEChERS 45
CommaSil® Liquid Chromatography (LC) Columns 46
CommaSil® Gas Chromatography (GC) Columns 48

Sample Preparation for Clinical
Mass Spectrometry

96-Well Micro-Filter Plates 50
96 Well Protein Precipitation (PPT) Plate 51
96 Well Phospholipid Removal (PRP) Plate 51
96 Well Protein Phospholipid Removal (PPRP) Plate 52
MS Series 96-Well Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Plates 53
96 Well Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) Plate 55

Laboratory Device & Consumables

Filtration Guide 57
Syringe Filters 58
Sterile Syringe Filters 60
Microfiltration Membranes 61
Gridded Membrane Filters 62
Sterile Filter Device 63
Instrument Chart 65
8-425 Screw-Thread Vials 66
9-425 Screw-Thread Vials67
10-425 Screw-Thread Vials 68
Snap-Top Vials 69
Crimp-Top Vials 70
13-425 Screw-Thread Vials 71
Screw-Thread Headspace Vials 72
Crimp-Top Headspace Vials 73
Storage Vials74
SPEMFSolid Phase Extraction Vacuum Manifold 76
Glass Filter Holders 77
Vacuum Pump 77

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