SilcoTek Coatings - Overview - page 87

What are the operating temperatures for SilcoTek treated surfaces?
Maximum temperatures usuallywill be dictated by the constructionmaterial (glass, stainless steel, etc.), not by the surface treatment. In general,
temperatures should not exceed those listed in Table I. Temperatures greater than 450°C for SilcoNert
2000 (formerly Sulfinert® or Siltek®) and
treated surfaces or greater than 600°C for SilcoNert
1000 ( formerly Silcosteel®), Silcolloy
(formerly Silcosteel®-CR), or SilcoGuard
(formerly Silcosteel®-UHV) treated surfaces can be used under certain conditions. Heat treatment of parts before applying a Silcolloy, SilcoNert1000,
SilcoGuard, coating extends themaximum temperature limit. Please contact technical support at 814-353-1778, for additional information.
coatings are stable to the following temperatures in an inert atmosphere:
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How can I receive pricing for custom surface treatment?
To request a quotation for custom surface deactivation of sample pathway components, inlet liners, etc., complete the
following form
and submit it to
us. Please forward a scaled drawing or photograph detailing the product to be treated. Upon receipt of this completed worksheet, SilcoTek's Technical
Staff will contact you with a quotation, typicallywithin 1-2 business days. When you are ready to send items to SilcoTek for treatment, contact technical
support at 814-353-1778 to request service number. When submitting parts for treatment, remember that partsmust be completely dissembled, and
components that cannot withstand the high (400°C) temperatures associated with the process (rubber o-rings, brass, etc.)must be removed. Note that
SilcoTek cannot assume liability for warping of stainless regulators due to process heat.
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Howwill SilcoTek surface treatmentswork inmy acidic environment?
SilcoNert 1000 and SilcoNert 2000 treated materials have improved corrosion resistance, but Silcolloy (formerly Silcosteel®-CR) and Dursan surface
treatments are optimized to enhance resistance tomany common acids; providing a 10-fold improvement in corrosion resistance, compared to untreated
stainless steel, and a 4-fold improvement compared to SilcoNert 1000 coated stainless steel.
Note: carbon steel, F22 or similar carbon steel, is not recommended for coating in corrosion resistant applications. Treated carbon steel may rust in
corrosive environments. Avoid corrosive environmentswhen using treated carbon steel in inert sampling applications.
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What is SilcoNert 2000?
SilcoNert2000 (U.S. patent 6,444,326) is a passivation process that applies an inert, integral layer to components used for chromatographic analysis. Unlike
traditional deactivations, it is not susceptible to cleavage or formation of active silanols and, therefore, greatly reduces bleed, and breakdown or
adsorption of active components, compared to conventional surface coatings.
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What are the uniquebenefits of SilcoNert 2000 deactivation?
SilcoNert2000 creates a unique surfacewith an inertness range that surpasses all other known surface deactivations used in gas chromatography. In
sensitive analyses, SilcoNert2000 deactivated system components provide outstanding results.
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Does anyone else offer an equivalent to SilcoNert 2000 deactivation?
No. SilcoNert 2000 deactivation was created exclusively by SilcoTek and is protected by a US patent (Pat. No. 6,444,326).
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Why is SilcoNert 2000 onglass gold in color?
The color of a surface coating is an expression of the light diffraction qualities and thickness of the layer. The thickness of a SilcoNert 2000 layer
determines the degree of darkness, secondary reflectivity, and/or final color of the item. The color can range from light golden-brown (thin coatings) to
reflective silver (heavier coatings). We deposit a layer that provides a gold color on liners to aid analysts in inspecting for cleanliness. Chromatographic
performance does not depend on the thickness of the layer.
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How thick is theSilcoNert 2000 layer?
Depending on the item, the SilcoNert 2000 layer can be asmuch as 2,500 Angstroms (250 nanometers) thick. At this thickness, the layer exhibits a
reflective silver color on treated glass surfaces or a rainbow onmetal surfaces. Chromatographic performance does not depend on the thickness of the
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What is themaximum temperature limit for SilcoNert 2000deactivated glass?
of 4
1...,72,73,74,75,76,78-79,80-81,82-83,84-85,86 88,89,90,91
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