SilcoTek Coatings - Overview - page 84-85

You have purchased the finest in performance surface treatments! Since 1987, the
SilcoTek Team (formerlyRestekPerformanceCoatings) has been offering leading-
edge passivation andbarrier coating technology to the scientific, analytical, and
processmarkets. Please e-mail
if you have questions
regarding the appearance, performance, andmaintenance of the treated surface.
Here are a few tips to keep your treatedproductsworking at peak performance.
2000 (Sulfinert
•Stable storage of samples containing low concentrations of sulfur compounds.
•CylindersD.O.T. rated to 1800psi at room temperature.
2000-treated sample cylinders ensure sulfur compounds or other active
compoundswill be stable during transport from the field to the laboratory. They
are ideal for applications that demand only inert surfaces contact the sample,
such as sampling natural gas or testingbeverage-grade carbon dioxide.
Assembling theSampleCylinder andValve
We recommend using a new valvewith your new cylinder. If a valve has been
usedpreviously, the threadsmight be damaged andmay notmake a seal.
Clean the threads on the valve, then examine the threads for damage such as
burrs, dents, nicks, or gouges. Reject or repair a valve or cylinder with threads
showing these defects.
Apply 3wraps of PTFE tape to the valve threads, leaving the first (lead)
thread exposed.
Install the valve onto the cylinder by inserting and hand tightening to engage
at least 2but nomore than 3 threads. If the valve fails to start easily, examine to
confirm the valve threads are compatiblewith the cylinder threads.
Secure the valve and cylinder assembly in a holdingdevice, usingprotective
material around the cylinder toprevent gouging of the sidewall. Using a torque
wrench, tighten the valve to 8 to 10 foot-pounds, maximum. This torque should
produce another 2 to3 threads engagement, for a total engagement
of 4 to 6 threads.
To clean a treatedpart, rinsewith a solvent that will dissolve probable surface
contaminants (i.e., use a nonpolar solvent to remove hydrocarbon contaminants,
or amore polar solvent to removemore active contaminants). Avoid using cleaners
containing abrasives as they can scratch the surface layer. Mild sonicationmight
assist in removing contaminants, but do not oversonicate—this coulddamage the
surface layer.
Caution: Donot usebasic solutionsor soapswithpH>8or the
coating layerwill bedamaged.
Donot steam clean
any SilcoNert treated system components or line, as this
coulddamage the surface layer.
Treatment Layer Appearance
The appearance of aSilcoTek treated surface can vary from lot to lot. Small
variations in surface thickness (measured in angstroms) affect layer appearance.
The surface finish shouldbe bright and free of defects, but original surface condition
can have amajor impact on final surface quality. Your parts are cleaned after treat-
ment; however, the surfacemay contain some trace silicon (black particles) as a
by-product of the treatment process. Residual silicon can be removedby rinsing
with a solvent or by sonication in deionizedwater (do not oversonicate).
Galling can occur when twoparts of similarmaterial are connected under
compression and the heat generated “coldwelds” the parts together. Customers
have observed gallingwhen twoSilco’d treated compression fittings or NPT fittings
are assembled. For that reasonSilcoTek does not recommend coating the nuts or
ferrules from compression fittings and recommends that the coating either be
or apply PTFEwhen twoNPT fittings are
connected. Galling has never been reportedwhen a non coated andSilco’d
coated fitting ismated. If bothmatingpartsmust be coated, thenSilcoTek
recommends using anti-seize compoundsmade from silver, moly or nickel:
For sample cylinder applications refer to the instructions pertaining to the use of
PTFE tape on the valveNPTprior to installation.
Treatment Layer Troubleshooting
Under normal use, your treated items shoulddeliver outstandingperformance for
years to come. However, effective lifetime is dependent on the severity of the envi-
ronment. Factors that can impede performance are:
Failure toproperly clean the surface can allow increased
surface activity. If performance changes, thoroughly
clean the surface and inspect the layer for damage.
Contact with abrasives can accelerate surfacewear.
Contact with a base (pH 8 or higher) can accelerate
deterioration of the layer.
Surface finish and color should stay consistent throughout the life of the product.
Changes in the finish or colormay indicate a partial loss of the layer. Toprevent
further loss, ensure no exposure tobases or abrasives. For additional information
about SilcoTek contact our technical service department at 814-353-1778, e-mail
or visit our website at
By phone at 814-353-1778,
or on theweb at
We’ll process your parts in
10workingdays or less.
Install your parts
and experience
less downtime.
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