SilcoTek Coatings - Overview - page 80-81

You have purchased the finest in performance surface treatments! Since 1987,
theSilcoTek Team has been offering leading edge passivation andbarrier coating
, analytical, andprocessmarkets. Please e-mail
if you have questions regarding the appearance,
performance, andmaintenance of the treated surface. Here are a few tips to keep
your treatedproductsworking at peak performance.
Layer appearance and surface finish can vary from lot to lot. Small variations in
surface thickness can impact layer appearance. The surface finish shouldbe bright
and free of defects, but original surface condition can have amajor impact on final
surface quality.
Your parts are cleaned after treatment; however, the surfacemay contain some
trace silicon (black particles) as a by-product of the treatment process. Residual
silicon can be removedby rinsingwith a solvent or by sonication inwater.
General thickness ranges are:
1000 (Silcosteel
180nm to 800nm
180nm to 600nm
400nm to 1600nm Rainbow
Thick depositions used in our Silcolloy
process range up to800nm thick and
have a silver/metallic grey appearance. The photos above show colors createdby
2000 (rainbow) andSilcolloy
(gray) deposition.
When cleaning a treatedpart, rinsewith a solvent that will
dissolve probable surface contaminants (i.e., use a nonpolar
solvent to remove hydrocarbon contaminants, or amore
polar solvent to removemore active contaminants).
Avoid using cleaners containing abrasives as they can
scratch the layer. Mild sonicationmay assist in
contaminant removal, but do not oversonicate—this could
damage the layer.
Solids can be removedwith a soft nylon bristle brush
using light pressure.
Caution! Do not use basic solutions or soaps
with pH>8.
Do not steam clean any SilcoTek
treated components
or line(s), as this coulddamage the layer.
Galling can occur when twoparts of similarmaterial are
connected under compression and the heat generated
“coldwelds” the parts together. Customers have observed
gallingwhen twoSilco’d treated compression fittings or
NPT fittings are assembled. For that reasonSilcoTek
does not recommend coating the nuts or ferrules from
compression fittings and recommends that the coating
either be removedwithScotchBrite
or apply PTFE tape
when twoNPT fittings are connected. Galling has never
been reportedwhen a non coated andSilco’d coated fit-
ting ismated. If bothmatingpartsmust be coated, thenSilcoTek
recommends using anti-seize compoundsmade from silver, moly or nickel:
For sample cylinder applications refer to the instructions pertaining to the use of
PTFE tape on the valveNPTprior to installation.
Treatment Layer Troubleshooting
Under normal use, your treated items shoulddeliver outstandingperformance for
years to come. However, effective lifetime is dependent on the severity of the envi-
ronment. Factors that can reduce performance are:
Failure toproperly clean the surface can allow increased surface
activity. If performance changes, thoroughly clean the surface
and inspect the layer for damage.
Contact with abrasives can accelerate surfacewear.
Contact with a base (pH 8 or higher) can accelerate deterioration
of the layer.
Surface finish and color should stay consistent throughout the life of the product.
Changes in the finish or colormay indicate a partial loss of the layer. Toprevent
further loss, ensure no exposure tobases or abrasives.
For additional information about SilcoTek
treatments and to view our
demonstration andprocess videos, visit our website at
Contact our technical service department at 814-353-1
ou have purchased the finest in performance surface treatments! Since 1987,
the ilc ek Tea has been offering leading edge passivation and barrier coating
, analytical, and process arkets. Please e- ail
if you have questions regarding the appearance,
perf r ance, an aintenance of the treated surface. ere are a few tips to
keep your treated productsworking at peak performance.
Layer appearance and surface finish can vary from lot to lot. Small variations in
surface thickness can impact layer appearance. The surface finish should be
bright and free of defects, but original surface condition can have amajor impact
on final surface quality.
Your parts are cleaned after treatment; however, the surfacemay contain some
trace silicon (black particles) as a byproduct of the treatment process. Residual
silicon can be removed by rinsingwith a solvent or by sonication inwater.
General thickness ranges are:
ssenkciht gnitaoC
tcu rP
10 -500nm
( iltek
180nm to 800nm
( ilcosteel
180nm to 600nm
Colors associatedwith layer thickness are:
atment Layer Troubleshooting
Under nor al use, your treated items should deliver outstanding performance for
years to co e. owever, effective lifeti e is dependent on the severity of the envi-
ron ent. Factors that can reduce perfor ance are:
Failure to properly lean the surface can allow i cr a ed
surface activity. If performance changes, thoroughly clean
the surface and inspect the layer for damage.
Contact with abrasives can accelerate surfacewear.
Contact with a base (pH 8 or higher) can accelerate
deterioration of the layer.
Surface finish and color should stay consistent throughout the life of the product.
Changes in the finish or color may indicate a partial loss of the layer. To prevent
further loss, ensure no exposure to bases or abrasives.
220Å 250Å
450Å Rainbow
minimum 100nm
up to 2000nm
Thick depositions used in our Silcolloy
process range up to 800nm thick and
have a silver/metallic grey appearance. The photos above show colors created by
2000 (rainbow) and Silcolloy
(gray) deposition.
When cleaning a treatedpart, rinsewith a solvent that will
dissolve probable surface contaminants (i.e., use a nonpolar
solvent to remove hydrocarbon contaminants, or amore
polar solvent to removemore active contaminants).
Avoid using cleaners containing abrasives as they can
scratch the layer. Mild sonicationmay assist in
contaminant removal, but do not oversonicate—this could
damage the layer.
Solids can be removedwith a soft nylon bristle brush
using light pressure.
Caution! Do not use basic solutions or soaps
ith pH>8.
o not steam clean any SilcoTek
treated components
( ), t i
t layer.
li g
Galling can occur when two parts of similar material are
connected under co pression and the heat generated
“coldwelds” the parts together. Customers have observed
Gallingwhen two Silco’d treated compression fittings or
P fittings are assembled. For that reason SilcoTek
does t r o en coati
the nuts or ferrules from
compr s io fitti
an r
ds that the coating
it r e r
ve with S tch rite or pply Teflon tape
t oN fitti
re nn t . Galling has never
been r p rt
n a o o te and Silco’d coated fit-
i at . If bothm tin arts ust be coated, then SilcoT
s ing ti- iz comp u d m e fro silv r, oly or nickel:
le cyli
er pplic tions r f r t th instr ctio s per
taining to the use of
Teflon tape on the valve NPT prior to installation.
For additional information about SilcoTek
demonstration and process vi
os, visit our website at
e department at 814-353-1778, or e-mail
Step 1
Get a quote!
Wemake it easy with quote options
visit our website at
and complete our
on-line quote request form or fax
your quote req
We’ll get aquote to youwithin24hours!
Step 2
Send in your parts!
Mailing instructions, shipping labels
and a service number will be
forwarded to you alongwith your
quotation. Box up your parts and
send them to us. Your order will be
processed in 10working days or less.
Our 2 touch systemmeans
zero disappointments. We’ll notify you
whenwe receive your parts andwhen
your order is
ready to ship.
treatments are availableworldwide!
offers treatments on a custom basis direct from our facility.
Just follow 2 easy steps tomaximize the performance of your product!
treatmentsareavailableworldwide throughourDirect Linepartners inanalytical instrumentation,
tubing specialists, fittingmanufacturers, andother technology industries. For acomplete listingofwhere
treatedproducts, visit
You have purchased the finest in performance surface treatments! Since 1987,
the SilcoT k Team has b en offering leading edge p ssivation a d barrier coating
technoogy to the scientific, analytical, an processmarkets. Please e-mail
if you have questions regarding the app arance,
ce f t e treat d surface. Here are a few tips to
ke p your tr ated productsworking at peak perfomance.
Layer appearan and surface finish can vary from lot to lot. Small variations in
surface thickness can impact layer appearance. The surface finish should be
bright and free of defects, but original surf ce ondition c n have amajor impact
on final surfac quality.
Your parts are cleaned after treatment; however, the surfacemay contain some
trace silicon (black particles) as a byproduct of the tr atment process. Residual
silicon can be removed by rinsingwith a solvent or by sonica ion inwater.
General thickness ranges are:
ssenkciht gnitaoC
Silc Nert
/Sulfin rt
180nm to 800nm
(Silcost l
180nm to 600nm
Colors associatedwith layer thickness are:
Treatment Layer Troubleshooting
Under normal use, your treated items sh uld deliver outstanding performance for
years to co e. Howeve , effective lifetime is ep ndent on the severity f the envi-
ronment. Factors that can r du e performance ar :
il r t r
rl l
t s rf
ca allo increased
surfac activity. If performance changes, thoroughly cl an
the surface and ins ect the lay r for damage.
Contact with abrasiv
l r t rf
r ig r) ca a celerate
de erioration of the layer.
Surface finish and color should stay consistent throughout the life of the product.
Changes i the finish or color may indicate a par ial loss f the lay r. To prevent
furt er lo s, ensure no exp sure to bases or abrasives.
220Å 250Å
450Å Rainbow
minimum 100nm
up to 2000nm
Thick depositions used in our Silcolloy
process range up to 800nm thick and
have a silver/metallic grey appearance. The photos above show colors create by
2000 (rainbow) and Silcolloy
(gray) dep sition.
When clea ing a treatedpart, rinsewith a solvent that will
dissolve probable surface contaminants (i.e., us a nonpolar
solvent to remove hydro arb cont minants, or am re
polar solvent to removemo e active contaminants).
Avoid using cl aners c ntaining abrasives s they can
scratch the layer. Mild sonicationmay assist in
contaminant removal, but do not oversonica e—this could
damage the lay r.
Solids can be removedwith a soft nylon bristle brush
using light pressure.
Caution! Do not use basic solutions or soaps
with pH>8.
Do not steam clean any SilcoTek
treated components
or line(s), as his could damage the laye .
Galling can occur when two parts of similar material are
connected under compressi n nd the heat gen rated
“ ldwelds” the parts together. Customers hav obs rved
Galling hen two Silco’d tr at d compression fittings o
NPT fittings are assembled. For that reason SilcoTek
does no recommend coating the nuts or ferrules from
compression fittings and recomm ds that the coating
either b removedwith Scotch Brite or apply T fl n ape
when twoNPT fittings are connected. Galling has never
been rep rtedwhen a non ated and Silco’d coated fit-
ting ismated. If bothmati g p rtsmust be coated, then SilcoT
recommends using anti-seize compoundsmade from silver, m ly or nickel:
For sa ple cylinder applications refer to the instruction p
taining to the use of
Teflon tape on the valve NPT prio to installatio .
For additional information about SilcoTek
tre t
demonstration and proces videos, visit our website at
Contact our tech ical service department at 814-353-1
Step 1
Get a quote!
Wemake it easy with quote options
to fit your needs, visit our website at
and complete our
t form or fax
your quote request toQuotes at
We’ll get aquote to
Step 2
Send in your parts!
Mailing instructions, shipping labels
and a service number will be
forwarded to you alongwith your
quotation. Box up your parts and
send them to us. Your order will be
processed in 10working days or less.
Our 2 touch systemmeans
zero disappointments. We’ll notify you
whenwe receive your parts andwhen
your order is
ready to ship.
treatments are availableworldwide!
offers treatments on a custom basis direct from our facility.
Just follow 2 easy steps tomaximize the performance of your product!
treatmentsareavailableworldwide throughourDirect Linepartners inanalytical instrumentation,
tubing specialists, fittingmanufacturers, andother technology industries. For acomplete listingofwhere
treatedproducts, visit
1...,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,78-79 82-83,84-85,86,87,88,89,90,91
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