Instrumentation Valves014 - page 128

Compact valve configurations
TheBio-ChemValve isolation valves are availablewith three valve sizes, using0.38 inch, 0.75 inch and1.00 inch solenoid
shell diameters. These sizes correspond to orifice diameters spanning from0.032 inches to0.125 inches, covering a broad
range of application requirements. Valves are offered in 2-way normally open, 2-way normally closed and3-way
Choice of inert wetted materials
The isolation valvedesign ensures that theonlywettedparts are the valvediaphragm and the valvebody. PTFE is a standard
material for themajority of isolation valves, offering themost chemically inert solution available. For differentmechanical and
chemical requirements, the customer also has the option of usingPEEK
, PPS or Tefzel
for thebodymaterial andEPDM,
or aperfluorelastomer for thediaphragmmaterial.
Quick-Change Customization
process, the standard isolation valveconfigurations shownon this
product data sheet canbemodifed tomeet thecustomer’s specifications. For possibilities regarding solenoid and spring
response times, operatingpressures, port threads and locations, body configurations, wettedmaterial andother features,
pleaseconsult Bio-ChemValve andOmnifit.
2-way or 3-way configuration
LowPower Consumption
Fully IsolatedSolenoid
,PPS, Tefzel
ManifoldMountable forMinimizingLeakPointsandSpaceRequirements
Designed for over 20million cycles continuously
Minimal SpaceRequirements
Fast ResponseTime
Minimal DeadSpace
DesignPressureLimits for 15 to550psig
Solenoid valves with an isolated solenoid for use with
aggressive and high-purity fluids.
Valve series..................... 2
Electrical ......................... 2
Orifice diameters............. 2
Max pressures ................ 2
Internal Volumes ............. 2
Flow factors .................... 2
Reaction times ................ 3
Port threads.................... 3
Leadwires ...................... 3
Fittings ............................ 3
Mounting ........................ 3
Wettedmaterials ............. 4
Ordering information ............ 5
Installation drawings............. 5
Isolation Valves
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