SRITN12 - page 394

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The View-ResultsWindow (cant.)
Selecting the Format button in the Results
windowopens up the Edit format window. The
Edit format window allows the user to specify the
information that is to be included in the Results
The Available options box in the Edit for–
mat window displays all the available options that
can be included in the results but that aren't se–
lected. An option is added to theSelected op–
tions box by highlighting the item in theAvailable
box and clicking on the right facing arrowbutton.
To deselect an option from the Selected box
highlight the itemand click on the left facing ar–
row button. The Dec. places dialogue box speci–
fies howmany decimal places a highlighted unit
will display in the Results table.
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The Close buttonexits the Resultswindow
andreturns the user tothemain screen.
The Calibrate button recalibrates a recog–
nized peak in the Results table. Highlighting a
peak name and selecting the Calibrate button
opens up the Recalibration Level window. The
window specifies which peak level should be cali–
brated. Following the Recalibration level window
is theCalibrationwindowwhich isdiscussedat
further length in theCalibration section of this
Calibrate All
The Calibrate all button recatibrates all the
recognized peaks at once. The Calibrate all but–
ton calibrates all peakswithexisting calibration
curves ona particularcalibration level. If named
peaks are in the results tablewithout calibration
curves anerror message, (NOT ENOUGHDATA
POINTS),will be displayed. The calibrationwill
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