SRITN12 - page 397

The View-AutosampierWindow
The Autosamplerwindowallowsa list of con–
trol files to be run automatically. Control fiies are the
master fileswhichspecifyall parameters including
temperatureprogramming,component, andevent
files. These control files run tasks in PeakSimple.
Toopen up theAutosampler window click on the
Viewmenu in themenubar and thenselectAuto–
sampler from the availableoptions.
The Start buttonwhen pressed begins the
operationof the autosamplerqueueor reprocessing
queue. A queuemust be created or loaded before
the control filescanrun. Oncethe autosampler isin
operation the Start button changes into the Stop
button. The Stop button ceases the autosampler op–
erations thatwere previously running.
Batch Reprocessing Mode
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To select Batch reprocessingmode click on the check box to the options left.Whiie us–
ing the Batch reprocessingmode the user loads a list of previously stored chromatogram files
in the list box to the left and then selects a control filewhichwill reprocess the data files.
When the operation begins PeakSimplewill load each data file in the list into channel 1, per–
form the specified functions, and then increment to the next data file in the list.
The Start at dialogue box specifieswhich control file number to begin operation at first.
If no number is entered the autosampler will begin at the first control file. The Stop at dia–
logue box specifies the last control file to be run beforeoperations of the autosampler cease.
If no number is entered in the dialogue box the autosampler will end after the last control file
in the list is run.
minutes radiobuttonwhenselected specifies howmanyminutesPeak–
Simplewill wait before running the next control file in the list box. The Wait for remote start
radio buttonwhen selected instructs the autosampler towait for a remote start signal before
advancing to the next control file.
The Restart at end checkbox restarts the queue after getting to the end of the control
files in the list box. In the "x" times the user enters the number of times the control files in the
list box should be cycled if the Restart at end checkbox is selected. If the value 0 is selected
the queuewill be cycled continuously.
TheClose button closes the Autosampler windowwhen it is selected.
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