SRITN12 - page 376

Calibration Screen Shortcuts
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In the example to the right, the
updated F·ben:ren.CAL calibration
table reflects the new area count of
939.627 at the concentration level of
100 ppm.
previous calibration
data of 900 area counts at 100 ppm is
shown in the Previous #1 column
'grayed ocr). Notice also that
the third data point (100 ppm) in the
calibration curve has been shifted up
slightly to incorporate the new data,
(939.627 area coonts). At this point, if
calibration curve data is
deemed to
acceptable, click on
Close to automatically save the
calibrat ion f ile, and close the
Calibration window.
Click OK to accept the Recalibra–
tion Level. TheCalibration screenwill
open and a nashing asterisk (. ) will
appear along the existing calibration
curve depicting the new data point.
Notice that the calibration curve has
been named F-benzen.CAL.
If the
new caliabration data po int is
acceptable, click Accept New to
update the calibrationcurve data.
Calibrate All
PeakSimple offers a time-saving
feature for recalibrating all peaks with
just one mouse click.
After a
calibration curve has been created for
each component. click on View–
Results to bring up the resultswindow.
Select Calibrate All and choose an
appropriate Recalibration Level, then
click OK.
PeakSimple will
automatically recali brate all
components at the selected level and
save each component's updated
calibration file.
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