SRITN12 - page 163

In some cases, a usermay not want to reset the relays at the end of the run. For instance, when using
our TO-14Air Concentrator, users leave the gas sampling valve in the INJECT position at the run’s
end. This sweepsclean the trapandcolumn, preparing the system for thenext sample. In thiscase, the
userwouldhaveanevent table to turnOFF thevalve relayand return it to theLOADpositionsometime
after the run has started. Therefore, such userswould deselect the “
Reset relays at end of run
” option.
You can choose to reset all eight relays at
theendof the runbyclickingEdit>Overall
and checking the box in the lower left
This optionwill return the relays to their
default position—OFF.
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