SRITN12 - page 159

PeakSimplegivesyoucontrolofup toeight independentexternalevents,orhardwareevents. Ahardware
event is the operation of a device external to the data system but integral to the analytical run. A
hardware event can be a valve rotation, opening or closing a split vent, activation of an autosampler
sequence, or operation of an electrical switch at a precisemoment during the run. PeakSimple also
gives you control over a comprehensive list of non-hardware events, such as integration events, data
system signal control events (zero, reverse), and DOS command events. Events are controlled
Event tables
that use the system clock, which starts at 0:00with each run. Using
Event tables
enhances the reproducibility of the resulting chromatograms by ensuring
repeatable actuation of devices from run to run.
Theeight timedevent output signals arecalled
relays, andarenamedA-H. Forexample,when
an SRI GC is equipped with a 10-port gas
sampling valve, its rotation/actuation is
controlledby a relay: relayOFF=valve in the
LOAD position; relay ON = valve in the
INJECT position. The relay assignments for
any given instrument are printed on the side
panel (right hand side for GCs, left-hand side
Usersmaymanuallycontrol any relayevent, either during the runorwhile in
stand-bymode,byusing the
window. ClickonViewandchoose
. In thiswindowareeight buttons representing the relays
with theappropriate letter. Activatea relaybyclickingon its letter; itbecomes
highlighted to show its ON status. You can also toggle the relays from the
keyboard by holding the control key (Ctrl) while pressing the letter of the
relay: Ctrl+C, Ctrl+H, etc.
This list of assigned relay functions is printed on the side
of aTO-14GCcustomizedwith4samplesolenoidvalves.
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