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Comprehensive products listing for the latest USTmethods used by
the State of Florida.
Products conveniently organized bymethod number.
Easymethod set-up and reorder of consumables, including:
Gas chromatography columns and accessories,
Analytical referencematerials,
Sample preparation supplies,
Technical service.
The Florida storage tank program is part of theBureau of PetroleumStorage Systems in
theDepartment of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Division ofWasteManagement. In
1983 Floridawas one of the first states to pass legislation, adopt rules, and develop a
program for the regulation of underground and aboveground storage tank systems. To
complywith theUSEnvironmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) UST rules, FDEP devel-
oped specific analytical requirements in the early 1990s for the assessment of petroleum
contaminations from storage tank systems.
InNovember 1995, FDEP released the first Florida PetroleumResidual Organic (FL-
PRO)method to regulate the procedure for analyzing petroleum hydrocarbons. The
method is based on solvent extraction andGC/FID tomeasure theTotal Recoverable
PetroleumHydrocarbons (TRPH) inwater and soil in the alkane range of C8-C40. In
April 1996 FDEP published the FL-PRO supplement in its PetroleumCleanupGuidance
Document #7.
FDEP alsomandates that each sample be analyzed for volatile organic aromatics
(VOAs), methyl-tert-butylether (MTBE), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
FDEP referencesMassachusetts EPH andVPHProtocols and standardEPAMethods
8015, 8021, 8260, 8270 and 8310.
State of Florida
Analytical ReferenceMaterials
CustomStandards Group Leader
814-353-1300, ext. 2148
Ken Herwehe
Analytical ReferenceMaterials
Product MarketingManager
814-353-1300, ext. 2127
To help laboratories comply with and use
these analytical procedures, Restek has been
active in following the state guidance. Based
on our good knowledge of the methods, our
experienced chemists have developed a list of
the appropriate technical service tools and
analytical products to achieve success with
these methods. We offer quality chromato-
graphic columns, analytical referencemateri-
als, and sample preparation products.
In this comprehensive product listing, you
will find everything you need to quickly set
up or reorder consumables for thesemethods.
Please refer to our latest product catalog or
call 800-356-1688 or 814-353-1300, ext. 3,
formore information.Also, wewill be happy
toprovide a quote on any custom consumable
youmay need!
Regulatory and Analytical Methodology
Contact Information
FloridaDept. of Environmental Regulation
Tank Section
TwinTowersOfficeBuilding, Room 403
2600Blair StoneRoad
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400
Phone: 904-488-3935
Fax: 904-922-4939
Florida’sUST& LUSTprogrammaintainsaweb siteat
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