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Semivolatile Organic Reference
USEPAMethods 8270D/Appendix IXTargetCompounds
USEnvironmental ProtectionAgency (EPA)
Method 8270D outlines the analysis of semi-
volatile organic pollutants in solidwaste, soil,
water, and airmatrices using gas chromatog-
raphy/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Update
IVA of the third edition of SW-846—Test
Methods for Evaluating SolidWaste,
Physical/ChemicalMethods—includes EPA
Method 8270D, inwhich therewere nomajor
revisions fromEPAMethod 8270C.
Restek chemists have carefully reviewedEPA
methods 8270C and 8270D, and prepare ana-
lytical referencematerials to include all of
themost commonly calibrated compounds.
The compounds have been grouped to pro-
vide flexibility, convenience, andmaximum
stability. Restek also offers all the required
surrogate, internal standard, calibration
check, matrix spike, and tuningmixtures
required for thesemethods.
*Shelf life is based on an unopened ampul stored at the recommended temperature.
• Carefully researched formulations.
• Fewest solutions compatiblewithmaximum
shelf life and no chemical interactions.
• Data packs available.
• Complieswith stringent audits.
• Calibrationmixes available in two independent lots. • Assured agreement, ordering convenience.
8270C calibrationmixtures are subdivided into separate solutions. These are:
76 components@ 1000µg/mL
Calibrate for all components in one analysis – 3-
inmethylene chloride:benzene (75:25),
& 4-methylphenol included at
concentration of
3- & 4-methylphenol @ 500µg/mL, 1mL/ampul
other components.
cat.# 31686
18-month shelf life.*
8270Matrix SpikeMix
76 components@ 200µg/mL
Calibrate for all components in one analysis – 3-
inmethanol:methylene chloride:benzene (80:15:5),
& 4-methylphenol included at
concentration of
3- & 4-methylphenol @ 100µg/mL, 5mL/ampul
other components.
cat.# 31687
18-month shelf life.*
8270 BenzidinesMix
3 components@ 2000µg/mL
Contains commonly analyzed 8270C
inmethanol, 1mL/ampul
benzidine compounds.
cat.# 31688
37-month shelf life.*
605 Benzidines CalibrationMix
2 components@ 2000µg/mL
Contains commonly analyzed 8270C
inmethanol, 1mL/ampul
benzidine compounds.
cat.# 31030
36-month shelf life.*
Appendix IXMix #1
18 basic compounds@ 2000µg/mL
Most commonly analyzed Appendix IX
inmethylene chloride, 1mL/ampul
basic compounds; add only as needed.
cat.# 31625
24-month shelf life.*
Appendix IXMix #2
32 components@ 2000µg/mL
Most commonly analyzed Appendix IX
inbenzene:methylene chloride (75:25), 1mL/ampul
compounds; add only as needed.
cat.# 31806
12-month shelf life.*
Organophosphorous PesticideMix, 8270/Appendix IX
9 organophosphorous pesticides@ 2000µg/mL
Most commonly analyzed 8270C/Appendix IX
inmethylene chloride, 1mL/ampul
organophosphorous compounds; add only as
cat.# 32419
36-month shelf life.*
Organochlorine PesticideMix AB #3
20 organochlorine pesticides@ 2000µg/mL
Most commonly analyzed 8270C/Appendix IX
in hexane:toluene (1:1), 1mL/ampul
organochlorine pesticides; add only as needed.
cat.# 32415
37-month shelf life.*
Organochlorine PesticideMix AB #1
20 organochlorine pesticides@ 200µg/mL
Most commonly analyzed 8270C/Appendix IX
in hexane:toluene (1:1), 1mL/ampul
organochlorine pesticides; add only as needed.
cat.# 32291
37-month shelf life.*
Organochlorine PesticideMix AB #2
20 organochlorine pesticides@ 8-80µg/mL
Most commonly analyzed 8270C/Appendix IX
in hexane:toluene (1:1), 1mL/ampul
organochlorine pesticides; add only as needed.
cat.# 32292
37-month shelf life.*
Restek (U.S.)
110 Benner Circle
Bellefonte, PA 16823
• 814-353-1300
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Phone: 01 60 78 32 10
Fax: 01 60 78 70 90
Restek GmbH
Phone: 49 06172 2797 0
Fax: 49 06172 2797 77
Thames Restek U.K. LTD
Phone: 01494 563377
Fax: 01494 564990
Restek Ireland
Phone: 44 28 9081 4576
Fax: 44 28 9081 4576
For more information,
Call 800-356-1688 or 814-353-1300,
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