FlowControlProducts 014 - page 56-57

Tipdrift is the phenomenonwhen a false LED light response is registered as the unit is quickly turnedor swept indramatic
arcmovements. Tipdrift is inherent to all dual thermistor leakdetector technology and is based in large part on the asymme-
try of the flow cells; shaking or tipping the unit influences the air flowprofileswhich impacts the rates of heat exchange. If the
device is functioning normally, the LED light signal will return to zero in 3-5 seconds after the unit is held still. In extreme
cases, the unitmay require another ‘zero’ cycle before using. To avoid tipdrift, be sure tohold the unit steadywhilemaking
12.0 Service
TheRestekLeakDetector carries a one year limitedwarranty from time of purchase. Please have the LeakDetector serialn
Number availablewhen callingRestekwith any concerns youmay have.Additional chargesmay apply if thewarranty is
expiredor the damage is due tomisuse.
Expectedbattery lifetime is two years from time of purchase.Customerswill need to return the unit toRestek for battery
replacement.At that time, preventativemaintenance services can alsobe performedon the unit.A feewill be charged for
servicing the unit.
Forquestions, problems, repair services:
Within theUSA:
Call RestekTechnical Service at 800-356-1688 or 814-353-1300, ext. 4
Outside theUSA:
Contact your Restek representative
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