FlowControlProducts 014 - page 42-43

1.0 Introduction
Restek’s portableLeakDetector is specificallydesigned for usewithgas chro-
matography (GC) systems. It detectsminute leaks of any gaswitha thermal
conductivitydifferent fromair.The reference gas inlet (Figure 1) draws in
ambient air for comparison toair drawn into the sample probe.A leak is
indicatedbybothanLEDlight display andanaudible alarm.
Restek’s LeakDetector ismanufacturedbyRestek soyouare assuredof the
sameRestekquality and service youhave come to recognizewith theRestek
Shouldyou require assistance at anytime regardingour LeakDetector, please
contact RestekTechnical Service at 1-800-356-1688or 814-353-1300, ext. 4.
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