FlowControlProducts 014 - page 48-49

8.0 Maintenance
Avoid spilling liquids onto the unit or itmaymalfunction. If a liquid is spilledonto the unit, turnoff the power immedi-
ately, remove heavy liquidswith a dry towel, and let the unit sit until the liquiddries.Dust anddebris can enter the probe
tipof the LeakDetector and, over time, can clog the small-bore tubing inside the unit. Toprevent this, clean the probe tip
periodically. To clean the probe tip, unscrew the cap to expose the brush (Figures 2 and 3).Gently clean the brush, using a
small brushor your fingers to remove dust anddebris, then replace the cap.Donot use liquids to clean the probe. Liquids
candamage the LeakDetector if drawn in through the probe.
Informationonwhere tohave the unit sent formaintenance or service is listed at the endof this document.
Cap removed,
exposing probe tipbrush for
andpartially removed.
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