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SPP UserGuideV1 2014+ FLIP-HTML5

PDF acrobat-but 26mB

Evaluation/Demonstratio n Copy is available - ASK !

You can test your pump by downloading the free trial and seeing if it works. If it doesn't, Then we’ll tell you how !

What is SyringePumpPro ?
PDF acrobat-but Version 1.51 now available

Pump Control S’ware SPP is a Microsoft Windows PC application that can communicate with a variety of Pumps including New Era Syringe Pumps and NE Peristaltic Pumps.

Infusion syringe pumps including some OEM models can be control programmable; .
Complex, multi-step timed operation ; multiple pumps can be “daisy chained up to 100 separate pumps” and recognised automatically by Windows
New Era Pump can be controlled independently from built-in touch pad / screen ( for simple “manual” Apps Only) but beyond that SPP is simpler >> automation
Using NE Coded s’ware is far more difficult but is generic designed with LabView etc integration in mind)
Basic Syringe Pump NE-1000 (35lb Slow speed > 15lb High speed)
 has evolved into high(er) force versions
( NE1010 (75lb >~35lb) and NE8000-(200lb > ~100lb )

But U can also use a syringe heater for viscous liquids

DISCLAIMER : NO Warranty Claims for “wear and tear” mechanical
items or usage outside of Specification for each respective pump NO RETURNS ACCEPTED !
 A thorough under-standing  of pump design Safety Limitation and precautions are required

These can be “weapons of mass destruction” if used in “in-experienced” hands particularly in regard to high Pressure/ Force applications
Use with Glass Syringes - A Safety Shield is MANDATORY

Don;t rely on ANY NE implemented “LAST RESORT” mechanical STALL blocks, limit switches etc to control your “flow experiments” - it’s Only a matter of time before wear and tear under repeated use/misuse will cause these to eventually FAIL

for example . . . >

NE8000 now has a built-in motor “ rotary sensor feature

Detail attention to ”S’ware coding” is ESSENTIAL AND to work within suggested
 “Pump Operation Guidelines”

SIMPLE Pump Operation from the FRONT Panel IS ALWAYS POSSIBLE
but Use sensibly and WITH CARE

Observe ALL Safety Precautions . . . like work behind a Safety Shield  particularly with Glass Syringes at High(er) Pressures

NE has options/accessories
eg Analog Boxes for valve interaction / sensor input ?


FLIP-HTML5 of SPP Website via PFDFs


Chromalytic Direct - All types of Syringes
Plastic & Metal Luer; Adaptor Fittings
Tubing Teflon, Adaptor fittings luer/ferrule; Luer Barbs/Threads
Silicone, LDP, Polyuretane, SS, Hypodermics SS

SPP UserGuide V1Menu

SPP UG 2014
some Videos




with Chromtech


“Pumps” Made Easy(ier)

You Need ? . . . >

  • A Pump > New Era, NE-9000(aperistaltic pump, Syringe Pump, NE-1000 Series eg NE1010(High(er) Force 100lb  >  NE8000 (High Force 200lb) or variants thereof . . . !
  • almost  Any PC WinXP > Vista > Win7,& Win10 with RS-232 or USB Port
  • Cable(s)  > ASK !
    Pump > PC
    Pump to Pump”
    RS232-USB etc

  • some PC “nouse”
  • some “s’ware hacking skills”

some customisation may also be required > consult . . .US!

If you need “expert” S’ware Coding HELP ( custom / for a charge (perhaps ?
- And specific for
NewEra Pumps

contact > SyringePumpPro ( SouthAustralia based ) > Contact

SyringePumpPro-Logo FLIP-HTML5

see also
SyringePump Pro
direct (TimBurgess)
some more details re SPP

Programming Your Pump . . . but NOT for the Faint-Hearted !

. . . manually programming your pump and getting started writing pump programs can be a real challenge! The initial learning curve is high. So much to learn. There’s plenty to learn about the programming language and how the pump operates. You just want to start getting results – now!   We can help you!
. . . and Only FOOLS Rush-In !

Force and Pressure Measurement

. . . Do you need to monitor the pressure in the syringe? Do you need to regulate the pressure? I am currently considering adding pressure monitoring and regulation to SyringePumpPro

Pump Programaming Triggers . . . but NOT for the Faint-Hearted !

A trigger is something usually an electrical signal that is used to get a pump to change it's pumping action. Simplest example is the use of a foot switch

more . . . FAQs How WE can help !> PDFs pdf

  • Programming Multi Pump Recipies ?
  • SPP uses up to 40 steps . . . but more capability option is available
  • How to Specify Your Flow ?
  • TTL Inputs and Outputs ?
  • Pump Commands
  • Easy Way to Create PPL Files – Programming Spreadsheet

DISCLAIMER / Warning !
reSyringe PUMP Safety Design Feature
NE1000 / NE1010
Stall Stop Collar
NE8000 (HighForce)
Adjustable Limit “Switches”
but NO “Stall Collar”wear

  • ALWAYS wear Safety Goggles and /or Shield
     when using Glass Syringes

Some NE Models have a STALL Detection system at end of syringe travel

  • to prevent damage to Syinges, Nut-Block, Motor Belts & Motor AND to miimise risk of Glass Syringe breakage
  • a rotary sensor (on Stepper Motor drive shaft) based on Vibration/Noise

These are NOT Designed / Intended to be used as a STOP Control during Pump “Method Operation” or automated set-up

USE Programming / S’ware to impose Flow Volume limits” before activaton of Any STALL . . . otherwise
 > Eventual damage !

NO WARRANTY APPLIES fot this misuse user /oversight

IF Programming TOO Difficult for U ?
> suggestion Use a simple low cost timer to turn pum OFF after a carefully pre-determined time

24hr-15min Timer - as a Safety OVER-Ride 24Hr-15minTimer

CT > SyringePumpPro Software

> a TECH Resource for Analytical Chemists ! CT Chromatogrphy  > 
PIC Gallery > via the “courtesy” of ”Our” GOOGLE SEARCH
PICs >
PDF LINKs > Good IDEAS : Gadjets

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 some of Our Other Main OEM Suppliers !

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