Chromtech is Introducing a NEW Range
0f LOW(er) Cost HPLCs

& U can (probably) forget those Standard 4.5mmID 5um Particles

( as they will THEN probably be obsolete NOW ! )

with “better performance & CoreSHELL Columns in mind !

Compromised performance ??? . . . but Yet to be Determined in-house by US & Guaranteed !

Expected Mods . . . yet to be made by US > & to BE Optimized >Announced ! as compromise to avoid High(er) and extreme cost of UHPLC systems

  • VICI Or Rheodyne 0.5ul Manual Internal “Loop” Sample Size
  • Short Low(er) DeadVolume Transfer Lines In / OUT <20cm x0.13mm ID PEEK-CladSil
  • Standard UV Cell 10ul ( ???)  1oul UV Cell TOO Large ???  somewhat compromised > on fast “early” Peaks ?
  • We are sourcing Detector UV Cell OEM Tick 2ul UV Cell to be sourced! > semi-micro 2ul cell preferred
    For low Cost (China) HPLC
    Specs : ( for 3.5mm Chromanik SUNSHELL (Coreshell)
    150mm) 2ul semi-micro/ “Prep”, UV Cell; 
    0.13mmID x 20-30cm L TransferLine Column > Cell 20Hz 0.5sec scan ( time constant )
    1900psi 1ml/min
    28,000 Neff

    see HPLC Hints

> 2.0ul UV MAX required > anticipated for better “Column Efficiency” ?

  • A Standard A/D Data System ( + S’ware)  should be quite adequate for the 1 to 5 secs peaks expected ! from the CoreShell Columns ( 2-5um   > 3.5u) )
  • at normal Pump Pressures <<6000psi

  • FORGET ULTRA-HPLC equipment at current exhorbitant COST from Your  usual  HPLC OEMs!

See OUR Prospective OEM HPLCs (Typical ONLY ! & NOTYet  Finalised ! )

Other Offers are Welcome for Distribution in AUSTRALIA ( SEPT ‘23 > ) But ASAP !

ALSO FROM appropriate UV Cell OEMs suitably modified / customised to FIT

CT Chromatogrphy  >   PIC Gallery > via the “courtesy” of ”Our” GOOGLE SEARCH  PICs &> PDF LINKs > even More ! > Good IDEAS !

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Tick OK Updated !

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We’d Welcome YOUR  e-Mail : > Response
. . . but YOUR “Feedback” is also welcome !

CHROMTECH Specialists in Chromatography
- Fluid Transfer Products : & for All Your Laboratory Needs !
- Importers & Distributors (manufacturers) in AUSTRALIA

HomeDETAIL PC(~800px) > evolved continuously over some 30+ years

HPLC Requirements

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> an “Overkill” perhaps for those “dubious” mobile phones !

-CHROMTECH-Aus has been doing business with many Nuclear > Gas > Oil >> Coal
>>> Wood Companies & over >25+ years !-& > ‘til  B takes OVER in AUstralia >>>“FUSION” becomes viable !
Without Prejudice ! >  OUR CHOICE ! . . . Do Otherwise ! > at YOUR Hypocrisy ! : but at YOUR LOSS !
> Notable that 1/3 of WW Energy STILL ! is from burning “cow dung” ! & >”ClimateChange” !

 > proportionately with “renewables > & ONLY as appropriate ! < re Cause & Effect ! > cost benefit !

  but We Do SEEK Mutual Co-operation with “like-minded” associates !

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