VICI-Valco Catalog #60 289p - page 120

valco valves
Valco Instruments Co. Inc. Sales:
Fax: 713–688–8106
Same Sample to Different Loops
In a dual external sample loop configuration,
sample is injected in both positions. In
Position A, Loop 2 is loaded while the mobile
phase flows through Loop 1 and onto the
column. In Position B, the Loop 2 sample is
injected into the column and another sample
is loaded into Loop 1. When the valve is
returned to Position A, the Loop 1 sample
is injected onto the column and Loop 2 is
Loop Samplingwith Backflush
to Detector
One valve functions as both a sampling
and a backflush valve, simplifying
operation and reducing cost. When
components of interest are detected,
the strongly retained components are
backflushed and removed from the column
without temperature programming.
Two Column Selection
When two different columns are required
at frequent intervals at similar oven
temperatures, a 6 port valve can provide
rapid selection of the one to be used. The
column not in use is protected by a blanket
of inert mobile phase and may be rapidly
brought to equilibrium when required.
If flow must be maintained to the
non-selected column, an 8 or 10 port valve
is required.
Two Position Applications
8 port sampling/switching
8 port dual external sample injector
6 port column selection
CHROMalytic TECHnology Pty Ltd AUSTRALIAN Distributors e-mail:
Tel: 03 9762 2034
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