Restek 2011/12 Chromatography Catalog - page 208

Figure 3
Sky™ liners are completely passivated. Even when using wool, peak shape for highly
active underivatized amphetamine is excellent.
Sky™ liners reliably provide excellent
peak shape and response for active
basic compounds.
Comprehensive Deactivation Assures Excellent Peak Shape
In addition to providing excellent results for reactive pesticides and acidic compounds, Sky™ inlet liners are
also highly inert to active basic compounds, such as underivatized amphetamines. The exceptional inertness
of Sky™ liners produces much better peak shape than is typically seen on other liners, resulting in simpler
quantification and more accurate results (Figure 3).
Column Rxi
-5Sil MS, 30 m, 0.25 mm ID, 0.25 µm (cat.#
13623); Sample ~10 µg/mL amphetamine in 1-chlorobu-
tane; Injection Inj. Vol.: 1 µL splitless (hold 1 min.); Liner:
Comparison of Sky™ Single Taper Gooseneck with Wool
(cat.# 23303.5) and SGE Single Taper Gooseneck with Wool
(cat.# 092019); Inj. Temp.: 250 °C.
Restek Sky™ Inlet Liners
Sky™ Inlet Liners
Figure 2
The state-of-the-art deactivation used for Sky™ liners with wool results in higher
responses for active acid compounds, such as 2,4-DNP.
Simple Solutions:
Inert Sky™ Inlet Liners Improve Accuracy and Precision for a Wide Range of Analytes
Greater Inertness Results in Higher Analyte Response
Another common probe used to illustrate inertness is 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP), which functions as an
indicator of acid compound interactions. It is used to monitor system suitability in semivolatiles methods,
which benefit from the use of wool to assist in sample vaporization. As shown in Figure 2, the response of 2,4-
DNP with the Sky™ inlet liner, even at low concentrations, is superior to a competitor's liner. The Agilent liner
with wool has active sites that adsorb 2,4-DNP and reduce its response. In contrast an excellent response is
achieved using the Sky™ liner, even in the presence of wool.
Restek Sky
Inlet Liner
Single taper
with wool
Single taper
with wool
2, 4-DNP RF=0.29
2, 4-DNP RF=0.03
Increase the response of active
analytes with inert Sky™ inlet
Column Rxi
-5Sil MS, 15 m, 0.25 mm ID, 0.25 µm (cat.#
13620); Sample 10 µg/mL each 2,4-dinitrophenol and ace-
naphthene standard in methylene chloride; Injection Inj. Vol.:
1 µL splitless (hold 1 min.); Liner: Comparison of Sky™ Single
Taper Gooseneck Inlet Liner with Wool (cat.# 23303.5) and
Agilent Single Taper Gooseneck Inlet Liner with Wool (cat.#
5062-3587); Inj. Temp.: 250 °C.
1. Acenaphthene (IS)
2. 2,4-DNP
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