MRC-2014Hot.svg - page 458-459

3 Warnings
4. Operating guide
4.1 Key Functions
4.2 Gel Preparation
To avoid electrical shock, do not use this product
with wet hands.
Please read carefully this instruction manual before
operation to avoid any personal injury. Only the train
ed one could be qualified in operating this product.
To protect your warranty and avoid potential electrical s
hock, do not attempting to open or repair the product, pl
ease contact distributor or manufacturer for repair.
Put the product in a place which has low humidity and l
ow dust, also please keep it away from water, direct su
nshine / strong light, corrosive gas, high magnetic field,
heater, fire and other heat source, make sure good ven
Power switch located on control box, press “I”
turn on, press “O” turn off.
Turn off after operation, when this product is not in use,
detach the power supply and cover it with soft cloth or pl
astic paper to avoid dust.
When operating, do not put your finger or any other
objects into the migration tank.
Do not detach the control box with migration tank w
hile in energized state. Attempting to do so can caus
e damage.
Stop/Run----Short press one to run and long press 1 second to
---------Select output voltage .
-----------Time setting, when time set at“0”
4.2.1 Place the gel maker stand
on a level surface, put the gel
tray into the gel stand and the
maximum is to have two gel tray
Note: If the gel tray is not placed
level, the thickness of the gel will
not be uniform and migration
may be affected.
Gel tray
4.2.2 Fix the comb into the gel
maker stand as per photo on the
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