404 Error ? OK ! IF “%20” & Or ALL “  “ ( spaces ) deleted > or replaced  with “ - ” in the URL above & >< !

Chromtech.net.au > Chromtech-AUS.com > Chromalytic.net.au > Videos

MalsCart  > mini SHOPPE  proto-Shop2CT > “OUR Consensus”> CC<GW & Energy BLOGs >

& a
HI-TECH “Resource”
> 4 U !

some of Our Other
 OEM Suppliers

key” Products


> -m5 > -m4

CT-Logo > about Us!

> a Shorcut !
& > ../chromtech

but see Scams
> New”Phishes”


CHROMTECH :  Specialists in Chromatography
Chromatography Fluid Transfer Products :
& FOR ! All Your Laboratory Needs !
- Importers & Distributors in AUSTRALIA


GoogleThis CHROMTECH Site-2022

but “focus” on OUR -m5


ALT SItes (Index)

-m4 , -PC , (-m5)


> ( Starters >
re Covid-19 ( - )

Admin Categories
Sub Index

WOW > FlipSlides
( > ALT Home Pages
Our “External” Sites )

NEW 2018-23+

FlipHML5 Site Catalog Library
flip.chromalytic.net.au ( & fairly “responsive” ! )

PC  ><  Mobile
TECH Overview TickOK

Our “WIX“ Site > & a much improved “responsive” >
Mobile >< PC SITE

& >some Come & Go !
> by attrition
& over the “some” 40 years on the “Net” !

OEMs & (too) Good Products by attrition or simply  “b 4 their time !
> Only to get reinvented later ! by “4-5th generation” entrepeneurs ?


/CT21/Restek Chromatography/
Restek chromatography-.htm

Excellent ! >
Product Range
> an “Innovative
start up ~ ‘90s “
> 350 people now!
& 4 WW “big boy” Distributors

but obviously too big ! . . . .for Us ! “now”
> Shinmadzu-AUST
CT a second string &
un-ceromoniously “cancelled”

a Great “pioneering” Product Range ! supplanted by ASDevices (Canada)equally “HighTech” BUT also “evasive””

Over years >little ”effective”

\they’re.. Fre.nch Canadan
( & no “racialbias”
 here !
NOW SOLD OUT ~2020 > & defunct as a CO )


BioChem Valve > BioChem Fluidics > DIBA > Helma
( Omnifit ? )

they don’t know who they R ! anymore !

BUT All in Good Faith with US !

their “old stuff is still listed here
by default !

but we can still can Supply under Our conditions OR as ALT Items if/as required & viable ! or us !



too big ? > BioChem Fluidics + Omnifit absorbed by DIBA ( Halma plc ?) >
NOW Arcmed . . . NEXT ?  ( > so good luck ! )
Chromtech > too
inconsequential ! ? & some “old” stock still  in Melb !
> many items we replaced with Takasago Electrics many micro fluidic > & better ! > in many design respects ! . . . & “patents” permitting !


Canada > absorbed by a UK CO Good Luck !  but an “ALT equivalent” OEM Suppplier potentially available ! ASK !


a “Briliiant” GC design > by Falcon Analytical as “beta” > Now “absorbed” by Teledyne ? > Good Luck !

Value Plastics

Excellent Product Range  ! but NOW ! out of control ! too ambitious ! shocked by COVID19 Restrictions, Merged with Nordson a more Bio-med orientated C0 ?
WE ARE SEEKING> have sought  ALT product ranges from other OEMs > where viable . . . ASK !
> with Many ALTs from Us But B-A-Ware ! ongoing 2020>2022+ COVID19 Restrictions WW & scammers . . . everywhere !
re supply ( for eg Kynar / J1A (PVDF) > ex Dupont ? and parma/med components more genererally > a WW shortage over 2-3 years NOW
and “ongoing” !

Linde Gas (USA) bought Out SpectraGas ( a great Co )
>Now owns BOC (Aus/UK)

but overal 40% of World Gas industry owned/”controlled” by BlackRock(Inc)
an “ogligarchy” & NOW “obviously” TOO BIG  “Fail” > Good Luck “guys” !

> ALL unquestionally Excellent Product Range(s)  ! but NOW ! out of control ! too ambitious maybe  !
but also ”shocked by the “farce” of COVID19 Restrictions, US FEDS > “Regulatons” etc

& many others > generally !

Watch this space !
the Corp World is in Meltdown with “parasites” Global entities  > “ogopolies  ““swamping “the market Hopefully “like shooting stars” they ALL “go bust”
and leave it to US as more practical “fair dinkum” > “startups” to reinvent the
“Best of the World” ! and eventually pick up some of the scraps

& as for US !

we are ratuonalising Our product range and sticking with “worthwhile”
( to us )
OEMs preferably smaller < than all too common “scumbags” !

we value customer with positive > constructive ideas with some sense of creativeness and NOT TOO “dumbed down” hopefully !

& obviously not so much “bureaucracies” of ANY sort > all tending towards “uselessness !
the bigger they R the worse ! generally ! > we !ook for THE exceptions

Business management “by“committees” doesn’t necessarily “work” !
> “THE consenus” itself is NOT always reality at least for the masses who have been “dumbed down “! ‘ ‘ ‘  unwittingly perhaps but sad as that might be !

too many “parasite” marketing “scams! > Govts STILL “permitting !”

WE are forced to take “Site Security” more seriously with
All those “bludgers” in mind ?

Like perhaps arguable E-Bay, Amazon, Google and need I say the likes of
“in-your-Face Book”, “Twitter & Twats”” with ALL due respect ! . . .”
& without prejudice “ !

The Internet itself is rapidly degenerating into a “complete farce”
 . . . & certainly far from perfect !

ALL worthy of another GOOGLE “BLOG” ? . . . see here !

CT > Discontinued Sections

> a TECH Resource for Analytical Chemists ! CT Chromatogrphy  > 
PIC Gallery > via the “courtesy” of ”Our” GOOGLE SEARCH
PICs >
PDF LINKs > Good IDEAS : Gadjets

Email-Us U'r Feedback

GoogleThis CHROMTECH Site-2022


the Web "Ask" chromtech.net.au


Tick OK Updated !

We’d Welcome YOUR   e-Mail /chat  Response >
but YOUR “Hi-TECH“ “Feedback” is also most Welcome

WE R Here 2 4 E-mail CHAT !


Corrections ! > ALL ( > MANY ) “HTM” links with “ “  or a “%20” ( space ) in the URL
now are “auto-fixed” on-line by NOF15
NOT with “%20” but with “ -” ( hypen ) instead & are NOW W3C / HTML5  OK ! 
“ _ “ ( underscore ) are also  accepted !
with NO dreaded “404” errors !* FlipHTML5 & PDFs ar NOT effected by this “farcical”>”anomaly” !

NOW ? > (“simlpy” ] use TAWK Tick-sfrom ~31Mar24+ but still  ? >
& evolving ! albeit TAWK “HELP”itself Is Still a bit “farcical” ! Re AI > garbage-IN > OUT ! . . . but still 2-5year away to minimise obvious “scams > “phishing” etc?
Until ALL such OEM > Marketing Cos’ > GET REAL ! FREE ?
BUT Still within LIMITS ! U must Pay for necessary extra IF U need to Install ?

“Real AI”?

 some of Our Other Main OEM Suppliers !

[CHROMTECH Suppliers-m5] [SR! GCs-m5] [SRIGC-PriceList-m5] [Biotech_Fluidics] [VICI-Jour-NewProducts-m5] [Instrumentation-VICI-m5] [VICI-PrecisionSampling-m5] [xRestek Chromatography-m5] [NewEra SyringePumps-m5] [PlasticFittings-ValuePlastics-m5] [ALT PlasticFittings2022-m5] [PeakSimple DataSystem-m5] [Membrane Solutions-m5] [Kebby Crimpers-m5] [NUTECH Air Monitoring]

 some of Our “KEY “ Products

[CHROMTECH Products] [PlasticFittings-ValuePlastics-m5] [SPE-SamplePrep-m5] [ALT PlasticFittings2022-m5] [Syringes-m5] [PlasticSyringes NormJect-m5] [Gas Sampling Bags-m5] [NEW Vial Products-m5] [Crimpers-2012Update] [IDEX FITTINGS ALL-m5] [Chromatography Fittings-m5] [Chromatography Tubing-m5] [Ferrules-m5] [Graphite Ferrules-m5] [PeakSimple DataSystem-m5] [Instrumentation Valves-m5] [Filtration Accessories-m5] [Detectors-GC-m5] [HPLC Detector Lamps 09-m5] [Chromatography Products-Main-m5]

CT Introduction2021>+

CT-About Us

x ~195ea+


ReadThis First ! (only1p)

preferably Talk to US ! via e-mail > CHAT ? >spasmodic & NOT AI !

NEW miniCart2022

but NOW “focus”
on OUR -m 5 ! pages

on Your Mobile ?
& “responsive !
> You may need to “Zoom’ ! ?
“+Pinch & Rotate”but > OK ! ?
as a preview ! THEN > any PC !
for THE Detail !  but Then FOCUS on -m5

Flip Bookcase >100s>catalogs


  see here !

2023-10 > Try-It!
“MS-Bing” SEARCH !

Add Bing Search Bar

* multiple Word Step Search Much Improved Over Google
> & add 
“chromtech + Australia”
to Your “Keywords

& even BETTER for ALL
of  Us !

> very “Useful” ! BUT NOT without IT’s
“idiosynchrasies” TOO !

BUT it IS ! “AI” ???

NOW ! >
MS-Copilot & FREE !

> extended Versions for
MS Office APPs
> even more AI
BUT U need to “register”
& THEN U must PAY for IT ? !


Main Menu(s) see
( But with/ NO “Flyouts” )

* Index-Extended
to cover ALL HTMs
& with Fly-outs

> FLIP(S ( > All PDFs(DIR)